
bem bundles renderer for express

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import expressBem from '';



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BEM bundles render adapter for express :palm_tree:


Because laziness and short memory. And because simple solutions rocks.

And now it's just a npm i express-bem and 3 lines of code to use bem blocks library in any app.




express v3.0+


Quick start guide. Run it in your shell:

git clone ./express-bem-project-stub
cd express-bem-project-stub
npm install
PORT=3030 node app.js

And after start:

open http://localhost:3030/

Look closer at stub:


$ npm i express-bem --save


To load and init module you can use this snippet:

var Express = require('express');
var ExpressBem = require('express-bem');

// create app and bem
var app = Express();
var bem = ExpressBem({
  projectRoot: './path-to/bem-project', // bem project root, used for bem make only
  path: './custom.bundles'             // path to your bundles

// here to lookup bundles at your path you need small patch
app.bem = bem.bindTo(app);

// register engines
bem.usePlugin('express-bem-bemtree'); // requires module express-bem-bemtree
bem.usePlugin('express-bem-bemhtml'); // ... express-bem-bemhtml

Allowed options for cache param object are:

  • load if set to false will reload any template files each time
  • exec if set to false will exec template files each time

But also can be set to boolean.


var bem = ExpressBem({
  cache: {
    load: true, // don't reload
    exec: false // but execute with context

var cachingbem = ExpressBem({
  cache: true // cache all

Also you can add your custom engine

bem.engine('.bh.js', function (name, options, cb) {
  // some custom .bh.js realisation
  cb(null, 'result');

Or even more complex (call this before loading plugins or set default engine by self):

bem.engine('fullstack', '.bem', ['.bemhtml.js', '.bemtree.js'], function (name, options, cb) {
  var view = this;

  // pass options.bemjson directly to bemhtml
  if (options.bemjson) return view.thru('bemhtml');

  // return bemjson if requested
  if (options.raw === true) return view.thru('bemtree');

  // full stack
  view.thru('bemtree', name, options, function (err, bemjson) {
    if (err) return cb(err);

    options.bemjson = bemjson;
    view.thru('bemhtml', name, options, function (err, data) {
      if (err) return cb(err);
      cb(null, data);

See also ExpressBem.prototype.bindTo method.

And then just use res.render (or app.render) in your code and pass some data (or bemjson tree) there:

app.get('/', function (req, res) {
  res.render('your-bundle', {
    bemjson: { // view-oriented bemjson tree here
      block: 'page',
      content: [

Or raw data to execute bemtree

app.get('/', function (req, res) {
  res.render('your-bundle', {
    title: 'Cool story #1',
    story: {title: 'Cool', content: '... Lorem Ipsum ...'}


If you want to use your bem repo you can just pull it with git submodules or install as npm package and then just use it as your special bundles path.

├── app.js
└── node_modules
    └── my-super-mockup
        ├── desktop.blocks
        │   └──...
        └── desktop.bundles
            ├── index
            │   ├── index.bemhtml.js
            │   └── index.bemtree.js
            └── layout
                ├── layout.bemhtml.js
                └── layout.bemtree.js

Otherwise you can import somehow bemhtml.js and/or bemtree.js files to your views path and use them with default View.prototype.lookup.

├── app.js
└── views
    ├── index.bemhtml.js
    ├── index.bemtree.js
    ├── layout.bemhtml.js
    └── layout.bemtree.js

Plugins, engines, middlewares


Very simple async render engine

 * At least one name/ext definition required in params or engine
 * @method engine
 * @param {String} [name] optional name of engine
 * @param {String} [ext] optional extension of engine
 * @param {Object|Function} engine can be function or object with render, name, extension properties

// canonical
bem.engine('even-simpler', '.espl.js', function (name, options, cb) {
  cb(null, 'rendered result');

// name will be espl
bem.engine('.espl.js', function (name, options, cb) {
  cb(null, 'rendered result');

// ext will be .espl.js
bem.engine('espl', function (name, options, cb) {
  cb(null, 'rendered result');

// via function
function evenSimpler(name, options, cb) {
  cb(null, 'rendered result');
evenSimpler.extension = '.espl.js';

// via blackbox (function/object)

// via object
  extension: '.blo.js', // name will be 'blo'
  targetExtensions: ['.blo.js'],
  render: function (name, options, cb) {
    cb(null, 'rendered result');

You should know that you should set by self default engine if you don't use .bindTo method. Default engine is the first declared engine.

Like that:

// set first available engine as default
app.set('view engine', bem.defaultViewEngine);

// set concrete default engine
app.set('view engine', '.espl.js');


Middlewares usually calls betweed express' View.prototype.render and engine's .render.

 * @method use
 * @param {Function} middleware depends on arity it can be generator or middleware itself
 * @param {Object} opts options passed to middlewares

// using as simple middleware
bem.use(function (ctx, next) {
  // current view
  var view = this;

  // slow down render
  setTimeout(next, 2000);

// using as generator
bem.use(function (opts) {
  // expressBem context
  var bem = this;

   * @param {Object} ctx Object with name, options, cb properties that can be modified
   * @param {Function} next done callback
  return function (ctx, next) {

    // dump current extension and passed name to render

    // fixup context
    ctx.options.raw = 1;

    // all is fine go ahead

Plugin interface

It should have engines (engine if one) and/or middlewares (middleware) properties.

To load plugin into express-bem instance just call usePlugin method with some parameters:

 * @method usePlugin
 * @param {String|Object|Function} plugin name, object or generator
 * @param {Object} opts options passed to middlewares

// by module require
bem.usePlugin(require('express-bem-module-name'), { /* options */ });

// by object declaration
  middleware: function (opts) { // middleware generator
    return function (ctx, next) {
}, { /* options for middleware */ });

// by function generator
bem.usePlugin(function () { // plugin generator
  return {
    engines: [{
      extension: '.q.js',
      render: function (name, options, cb) {
        cb(null, name);
    }, {
      extension: '.w.js',
      render: function (name, options, cb) {
        cb(null, this.ext);


MIT. See also License