
Express middleware for access control using IP / CIDR lists

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import expressIpFilterMiddleware from '';



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Express middleware for access control using IP / CIDR lists


npm install express-ip-filter-middleware 


import express from 'express';
import middleware from 'express-ip-filter-middleware';

const options = {
    mode: 'whitelist',
    allow: [''],
    deny: [''],

const app = express();

express-ip-filter-middleware generates a middleware which allows or blocks access in accordance with the specified options.

Options is an object with the following fields:

  • mode: 'blacklist' | 'whitelist' (required): operation mode. In blacklist mode, everything is allowed except for blacklisted items (specified in deny), unless overridden by allow. In whitelist mode, everything is forbidden except for explicitly allowed items (specified in allow), unless overridden by deny;
  • allow: string[]: optional list of the allowed IPv4 or IPv6 addresses or CIDRs (defaults to []);
  • deny: string[]: optional list of the denied IPv4 or IPv6 addresses or CIDRs (defaults to []);
  • ipOverride: (req: express.Request) => string: optional function to retrieve the IP address to check. If this function is not specified or set to null, req.ip is used. If this function returns an invalid IP address, the middleware bails out with an error.

The mode of operation is similar to Apache's mod_access Order directive: whitelist works like Order Allow,Deny: to allow access, the IP address must match the allow list, and must not be listed in the deny list. As a consequence, empty allow and deny in whitelist mode will result in denied access.

blacklist mode works like Order deny,allow: the request is allowed if the IP address is listed in the allow list or not listed in the deny list.