
Express middleware for JSON:API error handling

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import expressJsonApiErrorHandler from '';


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Express JSON:API Error Handler

Error handling middleware for Node/Express applications. All detected errors are finally transformed into JSON:API errors.


Installation is done using the npm install command:

$ npm i express-json-api-error-handler



The library exposes the ErrorHandler which uses:

  1. The handle method as the express middleware
  2. The setErrorEventHandler method for setting a callback when an error is raised
  3. You can initialize with setting options. The available options for now are
  buildMeta: boolean // To build the meta of the error not. Defaults to false.

Example on how to initialize the event handler

import { ErrorHandler } from `express-json-api-error-handler`;

const errorHandler = new ErrorHandler({ buildMeta: true});
errorHandler.setErrorEventHandler((err) => { console.log(err)})


Error structure

The error the handler produces is of the following structure

      'errors': [
          'code': '1200',
          'detail': 'Mock error description',
          'status': '403',
          'title': 'Error 403',
      'jsonapi': {
        'version': '1.0',
      'meta': {
        'request_id': '12345',


The library provides some errors you can use in you app. The available errors are AuthError, ForbiddenError, InternalServerError, NotFoundError.

You can use them like this

import { AuthError } from `express-json-api-error-handler`;

next(new AuthError('The user is not authorized!', 5555))


npm install

npm test

All feedback, issues or suggestions are welcomed :)