Yet, another package to streamline the creation of a REST API based on MongoDB and Express.js
- Getting Started
- Usage
- CRUD Operations
- Configuration
- ClientsPool
- Authentication
- Features
- Versioning
- Authors
- Acknowledgments
Getting Started
express-monger is package to ease the creation of REST API for MongoDB using Express.js. It is built aiming to be as flexible, customizable and low-dependency as possible, providing nonetheless powerful functionalities like pagination, filtering or using HAL principle for the responses.
The package essentially provides a set of middleware methods to add CRUD operations to an Express.js app, based on MongoDB. Therefore, a minimum set up is required:
- MongoDB, either locally or cloud based. Version 3.1 or above;
- Node
- Express, installed via npm
- Body-parser, installed via npm
npm install express-monger
The package is built to be quite flexible and ready to use. A quick start setup:
/** index.js */
const express = require('express');
const bodyParser = require('body-parser');
const Monger = require('express-monger');
let monger = new Monger("mongodb://localhost:27017", {
entryPoint: "api",
showAll: true
let app = express();
// Hardcoded credentials to be used.
// This can be replaced with Passport.js or any
// other authentication package.
app.use((req, res, next) => {
req.user = {
username: "test-user",
password: "testing123456"
app.listen(2000, () =>{
console.log("express-monger up and running on port 2000!");
Now, run index.js
node index.js
The above example creates a server on locahost:2000
and following the appropriate URL structure, databases, collections and documents are read-only accessible (GET method) out of the box, as long as authentication is not required or the user has access to the resources.
CRUD Operations
express-monger generates a set of CRUD operations ready to use on Mongo's databases, collections and documents, as long as they have been specified on the config
options. If not, all end points can be accessed only by using GET
All resources
If the option showAll
is enabled on the configuration and the authenticated user has admin rights, all databases and their collections can be accessed through a GET request via:
if both parameters are set up on the configuration./{entryPoint}
are set up respectively./
if none of the above.
The URL for perform actions to databases follows the structure /:database
or /{entryPoint}/:database
if entryPoint
has been defined.
Method | Action | Body | Description |
GET | Read | Returns the matching database if it exists by the given name. | |
POST | Create | Single or array of objects | Creates a single or multiple new collections. See Batch Insert. |
DELETE | Delete | Deletes collections that have been filtered using the where parameter. Deletion of a database is not allow. See Batch Delete. |
The URL for perform actions to collections follows the structure /:database/:collection
or /{entryPoint}/:database/:collection
if entryPoint
has been defined.
Method | Action | Body | Description |
GET | Read | Returns the matching collection if it exists on the database by the given name. | |
POST | Create | Single or array of objects | Adds a single or multiple document to the collection. See Batch Insert. |
PATCH | Update | Single object required | Updates the documents filtered using the where parameter with the request's body if it matches Mongo's update operators structure. If not, adding ?force will wrap the body into a $set object. See Batch Update. |
DELETE | Delete | Deletes the collection matching the provided name, see Force for more detail. If the request contains a where parameter (filtering), matching documents will be deleted instead of the collection. See Batch Delete. |
Other collection endpoints:
The URL to perform actions to documents follows the structure /:database/:collection/:_id
or /{entryPoint}/:database/:collection/:_id
if entryPoint
has been defined.
Method | Action | Body | Description |
GET | Read | Returns the document on the specified database and collection matching the _id |
PUT | Replace/Create | Single object required | Replaces the document matching the _id with the request's body. If document does not exists, adding ?force to the URL will create it. |
PATCH | Update | Single object required | Updates the document matching the _id with the request's body if it matches Mongo's update operators structure. If not, adding ?force will wrap the body into a $set object. |
DELETE | Delete | Deletes the document matching the provided _id if the parameter ?force is added to the URL request. |
When instantiating a new Monger object, the only required value is the MongoDB URI where to connect. The rest are optional configurations to customize how the API behaves.
Property | Type | Default | Description |
connOptions | Object | {} |
MongoClient connection options. See MongoClient. |
poolCapacity | number | 100 | Maximum capacity of the ClientsPool. |
clientTimeOut | number | 1000 * 60 | Time in miliseconds an authenticated client is kept open since it was last used. See ClientsPool. |
credentials | Object | See credentials | Structure of the expected object on the request from where to get the credentials. |
databaseMethods | string[] | ['get'] |
Allowed method to access databases. |
collectionMethods | string[] | ['get'] |
Allowed method to access collections. |
documentMethods | string[] | ['get'] |
Allowed method to access documents. |
hateoas | boolean | true |
Globally enable/disable HATEOAS responses. |
pagination | boolean | true |
Enable/disable paginated responses. WARNING: Can cause crashes when disabled and big response returned. See Pagination. |
maxResults | number | 100 |
Maximum number or items returned if pagination is enabled. See Pagination. |
maxLimit | number | 1000 |
Absolute maximum that can be return by the server. See Pagination. |
entryPoint | string | "" |
Main end point from where to access the MongoDB instance. |
showAll | boolean | false |
Enable/disable the return of all databases and their collections when requested. Failing if user doesn't have admin rights. If allEndPoint not set, this will get returned on the entryPoint . |
allEndPoint | string | "" |
End point where to request to get all databases and their collections. Will not be set if showAll === false . |
keepClient | boolean | false |
Enable/disable keeping MongoClient connected on req.monger.client if routes didn't match any of the predifined, so it can be further used on custom routes. |
requiresForce | boolean | true |
Defines if some actions like DELETE or PUT require a confirmation step to be performed. See Force. |
Configuration Example
let config = {
conTimeout: 10000,
credentials: {
key: 'user',
usernameField: 'email',
passwordField: 'password'
databaseMethods: ['get', 'post'],
collectionMethods: ['get', 'post'],
documentsMethods: ['get', 'put', 'patch', 'delete'],
maxResult: 50,
maxLimit: 500,
entryPoint: 'api',
showAll: true,
allEndPoint: 'my-mongo'
let monger = new Monger("mongodb://localhost:27017", config);
Some WIP features under consideration to be implemented:
Property | Type | Default | Description |
resources | Object | {} |
Array of objects containing each of them properties of a custom resource. |
onlyResources | boolean | false |
If true, disables the access of all database that has not been strictly specify as a resource. |
softDelete | boolean | false |
If true, when DELETE request is made to a document/collection, it keeps them but adding _deleted flag so it does not get returned upon request. |
Since MongoDB Node Driver 3.6, the option of authenticating multiple credentials under the same connection pool was removed, so the authentication needs to happen when instantiating the MongoClient by adding the username and password to the URI (see authentication example). This means that for every authenticated request a new connection gets created, which can result on performance penalties and even collapsing Mongo if the number of concurrent connections increases to warning levels.
A ClientsPool is merely a way of keeping connections opened, getting closed and discarded after a defined time if they haven't been used again during that period.
- If an authenticated request does not have an active/open connection, it will be created and saved with an expire date equal to the creation date plus the predefined time.
- If an authenticated request does have an active/open connection, this one is used after updating its expire date.
When a ClientsPool is created, a background loop process is created and run at intervals to check if any of the active/open connections has expired already. If so, it gets closed and removed from the pool.
The ClientsPool instance is exposed under monger.clientsPool
after the monger
objects has been instantiated.
express-monger does not provide authentication methods by itself, but relies on user's credentials in order to connect to the MongoDB instance if such is required.
Users accessibility and role are defined by Mongo, so access levels and roles should be defined per user on the Mongo instance itslef.
The package will look into the req
object for an object that should contain the username and password required to authenticate to Mongo. By default, the package will look to the user
// Default structure of the object to look for the credentials
req.user: {
username: "the_user",
password: "the_password"
This can be customized by providing the structure of the object expected on the configuration options.
// Setting this at the configuration options
config.credentials = {
key: "userCredentials",
usernameField: "email",
passwordField: "secret_word"
// The module will look for this object when getting the credentials
req.userCredentials: {
email: "the_user",
secret_word: "the_password"
Auth request
For small, one-person applications, it can be enough to set the credentials on a middleware method before initializing the monger instance.
Simple auth example
app.use((req, res, next) => {
req.user = {
username: "my-username",
password: "my-password"
Another option for mid-to-large apps is to use a third party authentication package. Passport, for example, is a quite solid package with multiple methods providing a high level authentication process.
This example works by trying to create a new connection to MongoDB with the provided credentials. The ClientsPool is used in order to save the connection if it succeeds, so it can be used later on the request instead of opening and closing it.
Advance auth example
const passport = require('passport');
const Monger = require('express-monger');
// Monger instance using a URI set on the global scope
let monger = new Monger(process.env.MONGODB_URI);
// From Passport.js documentation. Logic needs to be implemented accordingly
passport.use('basic', new BasicStrategy(
async function(monger.clientsPool, username, password, done) {
var options = {
useNewUrlParser: true
var client = await clientsPool.connect(process.env.MONGODB_URI, username, password, options);
if (client.isConnected()){
return done(null, {'username': username, 'password': password});
throw new Error();
} catch(e){
return done(null, false, { message: 'Authentication failed' });
// Setting Passport middleware before any rout requiring authentication
session: false
// monger.initialize(app) generates a bunch of routes requiring authentication,
// so it needs to be called after Passport's middleware.
The package provides some nice features detailed below.
Hypermedia as the Engine of Application State (HATEOAS) is enabled by default and closely follows the HAL standard. When a GET request is made, the JSON response will have a "_links"
property containing details to other resources, with a href
link relative to the host and a title
for each one.
It also has an "_items"
property which contains an array of the returned elements, and "_meta"
which contains information of the pagination (if enabled, see Pagination) and total number of items on the resource.
When HATEOAS is enabled, the response's Content-type will be application/hal+json
, and application/json
when disabled.
curl --user username:password -i "http://localhost:2000/company/assets?pretty"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/hal+json; charset=utf-8
"_links": {
"self": {
"href": "/company/assets",
"title": "a-collection"
"parent": {
"href": "/company",
"title": "company"
"find": {
"href": "/company/assets/{id}",
"templated": true
"next": {
"href": "/company/assets?page=2",
"title": "next page"
"last": {
"href": "/company/assets?page=48",
"title": "last page"
"_items": [...],
"_meta": {
"max_results": 100,
"total": 4725,
"page": 1
HATEOAS can also be disabled on a particular request by adding a ?hateoas=false
parameter to the resquested URL, or enabled if globally disabled with ?hateoas=true
# Will disable hateoas for this request, if it is globally enabled
curl "http://localhost:2000?hateoas=false"
# Will enable hateoas for this request, is it is globally disbaled
curl "http://localhost:2000?hateoas=true"
Disabling HATEOAS can be sensible if the end user will not require it, as it will save bandwidth and improve performance. But if pagination is enabled, user will not have any information on how to navigate the resource and result on a poor and failing interaction with the database.
Collections can have thousands of documents than when retrieved can result on running out of memory on the client side and crash. Server-side pagination comes to the rescue by capping the number of results returned by a GET call.
The default value is 100
items, although this can be changed by the property maxRestuls
on the Configuration options. This can be overwritten by adding a ?max_results=
parameter to the URL.
As a safety method, the maximum results a user can request is also capped by the maxLimit
property, being 1000
the default.
# This returns a maximum of 100 items, or as defined on the configuration options
curl "http://localhost:2000"
# This returns a maximum of 500 items
curl "http://localhost:2000?max_results=500"
# This returns a maximum of 1000 items regardless of the query parameter, or as defined on the configuration options
curl "http://localhost:2000?max_results=3000"
Navigating through pages is as easy as adding a ?page=
query parameter.
# Will return the second page, if any, of a collection with a limit
# of 100 (or set up value) items per page
curl "http://localhost:2000?page=2"
# Will return the third page, if any, of a collection with a limit
# of 500 items per page
curl "http://localhost:2000?max_results=500&page=3"
Pagination can also be turned off on a particular request by adding a ?pagination=false
parameter to the resquested URL, or turn it on if globally disabled with ?pagination=true
# Will disable pagination for this request, if it is globally enabled
curl "http://localhost:2000?pagination=false"
# Will enable pagination for this request, is it is globally disabled
curl "http://localhost:2000?pagination=true"
Disabling pagination is not recommended as it can cause an unresponsive state and crash the client-side browser. Only disable if you know the number of documents can be handled by the browser.
When querying documents from a collection, the response can be filtered by simply using a ?where=
parameter on the request. This value only accepts Mongo's native querying formats on JSON format, including regular expressions.
For example, this GET request:
will return all documents on the people
collection from the company
database, where the lastname
is equal to Doe
and firstname
starts with J
or j
// response sample
"_links": {
"self": {
"href": "/company/people?where={\'lastname\':\'Doe\' , \'firstname\':\'/^J/i\'}",
"title": "people"
"parent": {
"href": "/company",
"title": "company"
"find": {
"href": "/company/people/{id}",
"templated": true
"_items": [
"_id": "5b6182a5be180b8d888a2dbe",
"firstname": "Jane",
"lastname": "Doe",
"age": 32
"_id": "5b6182a5be180b8d888a2dc3",
"firstname": "john",
"lastname": "Doe",
"age": 29
"max_results": 100,
"total": 2,
"page": 1
The above request will work fine on a browser, but will need to be URI encoded using
on the command line:
curl "http://localhost:2000/company/people?where=%7B'lastname':'Doe','firstname':'/%5EJ/i'%7D"
Responses can be sorted using a ?sort=
query parameter, which accepts two syntaxes:
- Mongo native syntax:
[("lastname", 1),("age", -1)]
- Custom syntax:
Both will return a sorted response by first ascending lastname
and then descending age
# On browser
curl "http://localhost:2000/company/people?sort=%5B('lastname',1),('age',-1)%5D"
curl "http://localhost:2000/company/people?sort=lastname,-age"
Projections controls the fields returned from querying collections and documents.
- Using the
query param, a native Mongo syntax can be used, like?projection={"lastname":1, "age":1}
. - Using the
query param, a simpler syntax can be used which depends only on the fields to be returned or not, for example?fields=lastname,age
# Examples
# This will only return field lastname from the documents if field exists.
# This will return all fields except age and _id
A document embedding mechanism is implemented, using MongoBD's DBref feature. Please refer to DBRef to learn how to refer to a document from another document.
When making a GET request to a document or collection, the embedded
query parameter can be used to retrieve reference documents as if they were embedded in the main document, if the value of the given field names is a DBRef, the document it refers to is replaced at runtime into the document(s).
Without embedded
curl --user username:password -i "http://localhost:2000/company/employee?pretty"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/hal+json; charset=utf-8
"_links": {...},
"_items": [
"name": "John",
"$ref": "offices",
"$id": "5be18c9def3f9050ac59612f"
"_meta": {...}
With embedded
Multiple keys can also be used as the value of embedded parameter if they are separated by comma "," character.
Reference documents can also have documents referenced inside them. In that case dot notation “.” should be used.
curl --user username:password -i "http://localhost:2000/company/employee?embedded=office&pretty"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/hal+json; charset=utf-8
"_links": {...},
"_items": [
"name": "John",
"_id": "5be18c9def3f9050ac59612f",
"location": "London",
"postcode": "WC1X 8AL",
"_meta": {...}
This method is very convenient when making GET requests, but please note this is not be the most efficient in terms of size of the data transferred between the API and the client. If you have many to one relationships in your data model where a few documents are referenced by a lot of other documents, referenced objects are transferred as many times as their referrer documents.
The distinct endpoint on collections provides an easy and fast action to retrieve all unique values associated with given keys on the collection.
curl --user username:password -i "http://localhost:3000/test/people/distinct?fields=firstname,lastname&pretty"
HTTP/1.1 200 Ok
"firstname": [
"lastname": [
The aggregate endpoint on collections provides an interface to execute MongoDB Aggregation Pipelines.
It requires a pipeline
query parameter of type array.
// Example of simple aggregation on javascript.
_id: "null",
averageAge: {$avg: "$age"}
curl --user username:password -i "http://localhost:3000/test/people/aggregate?pipeline=[\"$group\":{\"_id\":\"null\",\"averageAge\":{\"$avg\":\"$age\"}}]&pretty"
HTTP/1.1 200 Ok
Pretty printing
The response can be pretty printed (basically human readable) simply by adding pretty
as a query parameter.
curl --user username:password -i "http://localhost:3000/test/people?pretty"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"_links": {
"self": {
"href": "/test/people",
"title": "people"
"parent": {
"href": "/test",
"title": "test"
"find": {
"href": "/test/people/{id}",
"templated": true
"_items": [
"_links": {
"self": {
"href": "/test/people/5bb4ca7bd0381f0b649fa3f3"
"_id": "5bb4ca7bd0381f0b649fa3f3",
"firstname": "John",
"lastname": "Doe",
"age": "29"
"_links": {
"self": {
"href": "/test/people/5bb4ca87d0381f0b649fa3f4"
"_id": "5bb4ca87d0381f0b649fa3f4",
"firstname": "Jane",
"lastname": "Doe",
"age": "32"
"_links": {
"self": {
"href": "/test/people/5bb4ca9bd0381f0b649fa3f5"
"_id": "5bb4ca9bd0381f0b649fa3f5",
"firstname": "Michael",
"lastname": "Kane",
"age": "45"
"_meta": {
"max_results": 100,
"total": 3,
"page": 1
Some actions like DELETE or PUT can be dangerous to perform, so upon request they will return an error if the requiresForce
property is enable on the configuration.
curl --user username:password -X "DELETE" -i "http://localhost:3000/test/people/5bb4ca7bd0381f0b649fa3f3?pretty"
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
"_message":"To pertmantly delete the document, include parameter `force` on the URL request"
Including the force
query parameter to the request will perform the action, considering the user is allowed to.
curl --user username:password -X "DELETE" -i "http://localhost:3000/test/people/5bb4ca7bd0381f0b649fa3f3?pretty&force"
HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
Batch Insert
When requesting a POST on a collection a body needs to be sent, either a single element or an array of them. It will failed if at least one if an empty object.
Single document example
curl --user username:password -X "POST" -d "{\"firstname\":\"Grigori\",\"lastname\":\"Peshkov\"}" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -i "http://localhost:2000/company/people?pretty"
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/hal+json; charset=utf-8
"_status": 201,
"_message": "1 document created.",
"_items": [
"_id": "5bb4e9726ff63b2540c2f6ed",
"href": "/company/people/5bb4e9726ff63b2540c2f6ed"
Multiple documents example
curl --user username:password -X "POST" -d "[{\"firstname\":\"Gavrilo\",\"lastname\":\"Princip\"}, {\"firstname\":\"Franz\",\"lastname\":\"Ferdinand\"}]" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -i "http://localhost:2000/company/people?pretty"
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/hal+json; charset=utf-8
"_status": 201,
"_message": "2 documents created.",
"_items": [
"_id": "5bb4eacd6ff63b2540c2f6ee",
"href": "/company/people/5bb4eacd6ff63b2540c2f6ee"
"_id": "5bb4eacd6ff63b2540c2f6ef",
"href": "/company/people/5bb4eacd6ff63b2540c2f6ef"
Single or multiple collections can be created by making a POST request to a database end point.
The body sent needs to be one or an array of objects having, as a minimum, a name
property. An optional options
property can also be sent, being these exactly as defined on the createCollection method.
curl --user username:password -X "POST" -d "[{\"name\":\"foreign-accounts\"},{\"name\":\"foreign-assets\"}]" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -i "http://localhost:3000/company?pretty"
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/hal+json; charset=utf-8
"_status": 201,
"_message": "2 collections created.",
"_items": [
Batch Delete
Deleting a single document or a single collection is as simple as making a DELETE request to /:database/:collection/:_id
and /:database/:collection
respectively. But if we need to delete multiple documents, let's say filtered by some values, it would be a pain to first GET all the filtered documents and then make multiple DELETE request for each _id
Taking advantage of filtering, in order to delete multiple documents, we could append the ?where=
query parameter to the collection end point, and it will swap from dropping the collection to removing the matching documents.
If configuration option requiresForce
is enabled, it will return a 400 Bad Request
, expecting the force
parameter to be passed.
## This example tries to delete all documents which versions is greater than 40 and less than 50.
curl -g --user username:password -X "DELETE" -i "http://localhost:3000/company/assets?where={\"version\":{\"$gte\":40,\"$lte\":50}}&pretty"
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
X-Powered-By: Express
Content-Type: application/hal+json; charset=utf-8
"_message":"To pertmantly delete 1133 documents out of 7722, please include parameter `force` on the URL request"
Adding force
will permantly delete the filtered documents.
curl -g --user username:password -X "DELETE" -i "http://localhost:3000/company/assets?where={\"version\":{\"$gte\":40,\"$lte\":50}}&force"
HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
Deleting multiple collections follows the same principle of using filtering on a database end point, but only accepting the name
field to be queried.
If configuration option requiresForce
is enabled, it will return a 400 Bad Request
, expecting the force
parameter to be passed.
## This example tries to delete all collections which name starts with `Foreign` or `foreign`.
curl -g --user alvaro-ortega-pickmans:snhXJ5eKeAsCXu7J -X "DELETE" -i "http://localhost:3000/company?where={\"name\":\"^/foreign/i\"}"
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
Content-Type: application/hal+json; charset=utf-8
"_status": 400,
"_message": "To pertmantly delete 2 collections, please include parameter `force` on the URL request"
Adding force
will permantly delete the filtered collections.
curl -g --user username:password -X "DELETE" -i "http://localhost:3000/company?where={\"name\":\"^/foreign/i\"}&force"
HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
will not warn the user about the deletion and will remove all documents/collection matching. If an empty object is passed with thewhere
parameter, every element will match and therefore be deleted. Use with extremely care.
Batch Update
Following similar approach as on Batch Insert and Batch Delete, express-mogner makes benefits from the filtering mechanism to allow multiple documents updates.
This feature only works on collection endpoints, being the body of the request a JSON string following Mongo's update operators structure.
curl --user username:password -X "PATCH" -d "{\"$set\":{\"status\":\"Married\"}, \"$currentDate\":{\"modified\":true} }" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -i "http://localhost:2000/company/people?where={'lastname':'Doe'}&pretty"
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/hal+json; charset=utf-8
"_status": 201,
"_message": "2 documents updated."
SemVer is used for versioning.
Most of the pacakge's structure and functionality is inspired and based on Python's Eve framework.