Express Stylus middleware
Stylus-to-CSS conversion middleware for Express to make simple magic on the fly.
It's a Stylus-version of Express-less middleware
npm i express-stylus-middleware -S
const express = require("express");
const expressStylus = require("express-stylus-middleware");
const app = express();
app.use("/css", expressStylus(__dirname + "/stylus-css"));
Also you can use cache:
app.use("/css", expressStylus(__dirname + "/stylus-css"), { cache: true });
And make compressed css:
app.use("/css", expressStylus(__dirname + "/stylus-css", { compress: true }));
Additionally, you can use some Stylus's in-build options (in theory, not tested):
`force` Always re-compile
`compile` Custom compile function, accepting the arguments
`(str, path)`.
`firebug` Emits debug infos in the generated css that can
be used by the FireStylus Firebug plugin
`linenos` Emits comments in the generated css indicating
the corresponding stylus line
`sourcemap` Generates a sourcemap in sourcemaps v3 format
Even if you don't use task runners or bundlers, you can turn on PostCSS/Autoprefixer:
app.use("/css", expressStylus(__dirname + "/stylus-css", {
autoprefixer: true
By default browsers option is set to last 2 versions
. You can modify it:
app.use("/css", expressStylus(__dirname + "/stylus-css", {
autoprefixer: { browsers: ['Firefox > 20']}
You can set all Autoprefixer options in the same way.
Usage with express.static
You have to use express-stylus-middleware
before express.static
app.use('/css', expressStylus(__dirname + '/stylus-css'));
npm test