
A pair or ExpressJS middlewares for redirecting either WWW hosts to NO-WWW hosts, or redirecting NO-WWW hosts to WWW hosts.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import expressWwwRedirect from '';



A pair of Express JS middlewares for redirecting:

  • No-WWW hosts to WWW hosts
  • WWW hosts to No-WWW hosts

This package has no opinion about whether you should use a WWW or No-WWW host, but that you should choose one or the other. A website that exists at both WWW and No-WWW hosts can cause confusion for search engines.

We use this package at to redirect all of our No-WWW requests to our WWW subdomain.


npm install express-www-redirect

Redirecting No-WWW to WWW

Require redirectNoWWWToWWW:

const { redirectNoWWWToWWW } = require('express-www-redirect')

Apply the middleware before your routes:

app.use(redirectNoWWWToWWW(whitelistHosts, redirectStatusCode))

Redirecting WWW to No-WWW

Require redirectWWWToNoWWW:

const { redirectWWWToNoWWW } = require('express-www-redirect')

Apply the middleware before your routes:

app.use(redirectWWWToNoWWW(whitelistHosts, redirectStatusCode))


  • whitelistHosts: An array of strings of whitelisted hosts that will not be redirected. Include port numbers for localhost, example: ['localhost:3000']. Default: [].
  • redirect: HTTP status code to apply to the redirect. Default: 301.

Example Express server - No-WWW to WWW

var express = require('express');
const { redirectNoWWWToWWW } = require('express-www-redirect')
var app = express();


app.get('/', function (req, res) {
  res.send('Hello World!');