
Read-Eval-Print-Loop (REPL) for ExtendScript via Apple Javascript for Automation.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import extendscriptRepl from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/extendscript-repl';



Read-Eval-Print-Loop (REPL) for ExtendScript via Apple Javascript for Automation.


  1. macOS supporting JavaScript for Automation
  2. Valid license for Adobe products that use ExtendScript. Currently supports Photoshop and InDesign.
  3. Ruby
  4. Handy ExtendScript reference


Clone and use directly

git clone https://github.com/theasci/extendscript-repl
cd extendscript-repl
./run.rb -h

Deveopment Dependency Or, add as development dependency in your package.json file.

"devDependencies": {
  "extendscript-repl": "^0.0.1"

Then install with npm install. You should now be able to create a script (repl.sh) that loads your bootstrap JSX if desired.

DIRECTORY=$(cd `dirname $0` && pwd)
"$DIRECTORY/node_modules/extendscript-repl/run.rb" -b "$DIRECTORY/bootstrap.jsx"


me@host$ ./run.rb -a photoshop
ExtendScript REPL - photoshop
Type 'help' to get started.
jsx> app.name
Adobe Photoshop
jsx> app.version
jsx> exit

me@host$ ./run.rb -a indesign
ExtendScript REPL - indesign
Type 'help' to get started.
jsx> app.properties.name
Adobe InDesign
jsx> app.properties.version
jsx> app.activeDocument.stories[0].texts.firstItem()
Application("Adobe InDesign 2020").documents.byId(510).stories.byId(216)
jsx> app.activeDocument.stories[0].texts.firstItem().toSpecifier()
jsx> quit

me@host$ ./run.rb -b lib/bootstrap.jsx
jsx> rootPath


  1. Backslashes (\) need to be escaped. jsx> 'test'.match(/\\w/)

NPM Release Tasks

  1. Update package.json version number
  2. npm install to update package lock.
  3. Ensure tests pass: npm test
  4. Update CHANGELOG.md with changes since last release.
  5. Check them all into the repository.
  6. git tag -a <version> -m <version>; git push --tags
  7. npm publish to deploy the release to npm.


  1. ExtendScript session to handle variables introduced. Not sure how this would be done.
  2. History writes to a file so they exist beyond a single Session
  3. Handle multiline commands