
Command-line tool to extract pathways from a GTFS dataset.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import extractGtfsPathways from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/extract-gtfs-pathways';



Command line tool to extract pathways from a GTFS dataset.

npm version ISC-licensed minimum Node.js version support me via GitHub Sponsors chat with me on Twitter


npm install -g extract-gtfs-pathways


    extract-gtfs-pathways <path-to-pathways-file> <path-to-stops-file> <output-directory>
    --quiet          -q  Don't log the written files.
    --pathway-props -f  A JS function to determine additional pathway properties.
                           Example: pw => ({isWalking: pw.pathway_mode === '1'})
                           Note: The argument will be eval-ed!
    --node-props    -F  A JS function to determine additional node properties.
                           Example: n => ({isFoo: n.stop_id === 'foo'})
                           Note: The argument will be eval-ed!
    extract-gtfs-pathways data/gtfs/shapes.txt data/gtfs/stops.txt pathways
    This tool will read a reduced form of stops.txt into memory.

    stops.txt needs to be sorted by
    1. parent_station: lexically ascending, empty first
    2. location_type: numerically descending, empty first
    You can use Miller (https://miller.readthedocs.io/) and the
    Unix tool sponge to do this:
    mlr --csv sort -f parent_station -nr location_type \
      stops.txt | sponge stops.txt

pro tip: color nodes & pathways

If you're using extract-gtfs-pathways to render the GeoJSON on a map, you can use --pathway-props/-f and --node-props/-F to color the pathways and nodes in a helpful way (example map).

Let's define two functions to compute properties that will be picked up by geojson.io (because it uses Mapbox GL JS underneath):

// pathwayProps
// - 1 (walkway) gray
// - 2 (stairs) red
// - 4 (escalator) dark orange
// - 5 (elevator) blue
pw => ({
    stroke: {1: "#95a5a6", 2: "#e74c3c", 4: "#d35400", 5: "#2980b9"}[pw.pathway_mode],
    "stroke-width": .5,

// nodeProps
// - 0/empty (stop/platform) turquoise
// - 2 (entrance/exit) violet
// - 4 (boarding area) yellow
n => ({
    "marker-color": {0: "#16a085", "": "#16a085", 2: "#8e44ad", 4: "#f1c40f"}[n.location_type],
    "marker-size": "small",

In Bash, we define one variable for each function:

pw_props='pw => ({stroke: {1: "#95a5a6", 2: "#e74c3c", 4: "#d35400", 5: "#2980b9"}[pw.pathway_mode], "stroke-width": .5})'
node_props='n => ({"marker-color": {0: "#16a085", "": "#16a085", 2: "#8e44ad", 4: "#f1c40f"}[n.location_type], "marker-size": "small"})'

Then, we can use them:

extract-gtfs-pathways --pathway-props $pw_props --node-props $node_props gtfs/pathways.txt gtfs/stops.txt out


If you have a question or need support using extract-gtfs-pathways, please double-check your code and setup first. If you think you have found a bug or want to propose a feature, use the issues page.