
Easy-to-use components to use with formik - hence the name ez-formik.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import ezFormik from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/ez-formik';



Build Status

Easy-to-use components to use with formik - hence the name ez-formik.

"Let it take care of the work so you don't have to"

🌟 Features


Easy    Flexible    Consistent    Fast    Layouts    Themes    More Types

Not just shorter syntax, it's also offering:

  • Formik is easy, ez-formik is ...easier, duh ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  • Simplified Formik but will not stand in your way. You are free to follow Formik at any point.
  • Consistent rendering, stylings (for big projects)

And more:

  • Layouts (vertical, horizontal)
  • Work with different CSS Frameworks / Form Layouts (tentcss (default), bootstrap, spectre, etc.)
  • Use FastField to avoid too many re-renders
  • More types of fields.

📦 Usage

$ npm install ez-formik

import { Form, Field, Button } from 'ez-formik'; // or: EzForm, EzField, EzButton

<Form use="bootstrap">
  <Field>Email | email</Field>
  <Field>Birthday | Date of birth (mm/dd/yyyy) | dob</Field>

  <Button type="submit"/>



📖 Documentation

Change Log

🙌 Thanks

All contributions are welcome!