
A Dependency Injection library for SPFx project

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import ezcodeSpfxDi from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/ezcode-spfx-di';




ezcode-spfx-di is a component to help developers to create Service by using dependency injection.


  1. reference ezcode-spfx-di by using
    • npm link ezcode-spfx-di if you use npm link
    • npm install ezcode-spfx-di --save if you use it from npm repository.
  2. install the following required npm packages:
npm install inversify reflect-metadata --save
  1. add follwoing files as the following structures
  2. add "src/services/Orders/IOrderService.ts"
import { IServiceBase } from 'ezcode-spfx-di/lib';
import { WebPartContext } from '@microsoft/sp-webpart-base';
import { IOrderListItem } from './IOrderListItem';

export interface IOrderService extends IServiceBase<WebPartContext> {
  getOrders(): Promise<IOrderListItem[]>;

  1. add "src/services/Orders/MockOrderService.ts"
import { IOrderService } from './IOrderService';
import { WebPartContext } from '@microsoft/sp-webpart-base';
import { injectable, inject } from 'inversify';
import { IInventoryService } from '../index';
import { ServiceFactory, IServiceFactory } from 'ezcode-spfx-di/lib';
import { IOrderListItem } from './IOrderListItem';

export class MockOrderService implements IOrderService {
  public webPartContext: WebPartContext;
  private _invnetoryService: IInventoryService;

  //if you want to inject other services in this service
    inventoryServiceFactory: IServiceFactory<IInventoryService>
  ) {
    this._invnetoryService = inventoryServiceFactory();
  public getOrders(): Promise<IOrderListItem[]> {
    return new Promise(resolve => {
      let ret = new Array<IOrderListItem>();
        ID: 1,
        Title: 'Test',
        Price: 1.99,
        OrderType: 'Meat'

  1. add "src/services/Orders/SPOOrderService.ts"
import { IOrderService } from './IOrderService';
import { WebPartContext } from '@microsoft/sp-webpart-base';
import { injectable, inject } from 'inversify';
import { ServiceFactory, IServiceFactory } from 'ezcode-spfx-di/lib';
import { IInventoryService } from '../Inventory/IInventoryService';
import { IOrderListItem } from './IOrderListItem';
import { sp } from "@pnp/sp";
import "@pnp/sp/webs";
import "@pnp/sp/lists";
import "@pnp/sp/items";

export class SPOOrderService implements IOrderService {
  public webPartContext: WebPartContext;
  private _invnetoryService: IInventoryService;
  //if you want to 
    inventoryServiceFactory: IServiceFactory<IInventoryService>
  ) {
    this._invnetoryService = inventoryServiceFactory();
  public getOrders(): Promise<IOrderListItem[]> {
    return sp.web.lists.getByTitle('OrderList').items.getAll()
      .then(result => {
        return result.map(item => {
          return {
            Title: item['Title'],
            ID: item['ID'],
            Price: item['Price'],
            OrderType: item['OrderType']
  1. add "src/services/inversify.config.ts" to register your service classes.
import { EnvironmentType, Environment } from '@microsoft/sp-core-library';
import { WebPartContext } from '@microsoft/sp-webpart-base';

import 'reflect-metadata';
import { SPFxContainer } from 'ezcode-spfx-di/lib';
import { SPOInventoryService, MockInventoryService } from '.';
import { MockOrderService } from './order/MockOrderService';
import { SPOOrderService } from './order/SPOOrderService';

export const TYPES = {
  InventoryService: 'IInventoryService',
  OrderService: 'IOrderService'

export const mainContainer = new SPFxContainer<WebPartContext>([
    serviceKey: TYPES.InventoryService,
    serviceItems: [
        targetName: EnvironmentType.SharePoint.toString(),
        service: SPOInventoryService
        targetName: EnvironmentType.Local.toString(),
        service: MockInventoryService

    serviceKey: TYPES.OrderService,
    serviceItems: [
        targetName: EnvironmentType.SharePoint.toString(),
        service: SPOOrderService
        targetName: EnvironmentType.Local.toString(),
        service: MockOrderService

], Environment.type.toString());
  1. invoke the registration from your web part ex. SpFxDiDemoWebPart.ts
import "reflect-metadata";
import { sp } from '@pnp/sp/presets/all';
import { mainContainer } from "../../services";

export default class DiDemoWebPart extends BaseClientSideWebPart<IDiDemoWebPartProps> {

  protected async onInit(): Promise<void> {
    return super.onInit().then(_ => {
        spfxContext: this.context

    // await super.onInit();
    // // other init code may be present
    // //init spfx-di
    // mainContainer.registerWebPartContext(this.context);

    // sp.setup(this.context);

  public render(): void {

  protected onDispose(): void {

  protected get dataVersion(): Version {
    return Version.parse('1.0');

  protected getPropertyPaneConfiguration(): IPropertyPaneConfiguration {

  1. use them from your components diDemo/DiDemo.tsx
import * as React from 'react';
import styles from './DiDemo.module.scss';
import { IDiDemoProps } from './IDiDemoProps';
import { escape } from '@microsoft/sp-lodash-subset';
import { PrimaryButton, autobind } from 'office-ui-fabric-react';

import "reflect-metadata";
import { IOrderService, IInventoryService, mainContainer, TYPES } from '../../../services';
import { PropertyInject, InjectAutoInit } from 'ezcode-spfx-di/lib';
import { IDiDemoState } from './IDiDemoState';

// Add "InjectAutoInit" attribute
export default class DiDemo extends React.Component<IDiDemoProps, IDiDemoState> {
  // Add "PropertyInject" attribute to automatically init service variable
  // typeKey: this is the type key defined in inversify.config.ts
  // container: this is the IoC container
    typeKey: TYPES.InventoryService,
    container: mainContainer.Container
  private _inventoryService: IInventoryService;

    typeKey: TYPES.OrderService,
    container: mainContainer.Container
  private _orderService: IOrderService;

  constructor(props: IDiDemoProps) {

    this.state = {
      result: "",
      loading: false,

  private _testHandler(): void {
    this.setState({ loading: true });
    // _orderService will be initialized
      .then(result => {
          loading: false,
          result: JSON.stringify(result, null, 4)

  public render(): React.ReactElement<IDiDemoProps> {
    return (
      <div className={styles.diDemo}>
        <div className={styles.container}>
          <div className={styles.row}>
            <div className={styles.column}>
              <PrimaryButton text='Test' onClick={this._testHandler} />
          <div className={styles.row}>
            <div className={styles.columnResult}>

Building the code

  • install packages
    • If you install from npm repo, type npm install --package-lock to regenerate package-lock.json
    • If you install from your private repo:
      • Add .npmrc file and include the following:
      • Authenticate your private repo by running: npm run refreshVSToken
      • install pacakages by running npm install --package-locak to regenerate package-lock.json
  • build code: npm run build
  • register your npm repository: npm run refreshVSToken
  • publish your code: npm publish


  • 1.0.0: init version
  • 1.0.1: change package name to ezcode-spfx-di