
Creates an Observable from FAFGAG (Function / Async Function / Generator / Async Generator)

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import fafgag from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/fafgag';



Travis CI npm

Creates an Observable from FAFGAG (Function / Async Function / Generator / Async Generator)


$ npm install fafgag


fafgag converts the results which returned from FAFGAG into Observables:

  • Function --> Value --> Observable
  • Async Function --> Promise --> Observable
  • Generator --> Iterator --> Observable
  • Async Generator --> Async Iterator --> Observable
import toObservable from "fafgag"

function f(n) {
  return n * n
async function af(n) {
  await sleep(1000)
  return n * n
function* g(n) {
  yield n * n
  yield (n + 1) * (n + 1)
await function* ag(n) {
  yield n * n
  await sleep(1000)
  yield (n + 1) * (n + 1)

toObservable(f, 5).subscribe(console.log) // output: 25
toObservable(af, 5).subscribe(console.log) // output: (one sec later) 25
toObservable(g, 5).subscribe(console.log) // output: 25 36
toObservable(ag, 5).subscribe(console.log) // output: 26 (one sec later) 36

Note: only when it get subscribed, it will run. This laziness is the basic behavior of Observables.

Native / Zen

If you prefer Babel's polyfill, import fafgag like this:

import toObservable from "fafgag"

If you prefer zen-observable, import fafgag like this:

import toObservable from "fafgag/lib/zen.js" // for ES module environment
import toObservable from "fafgag/zen" // for other environments
UMD ES module Note
native (babel) "fafgag" "fafgag" standard, but w/o these methods below
zen-observable "fafgag/zen" "fafgag/lib/zen.js" map(), filter(), flatMap(), etc.
