
Converts a list of files to (a map of) Sass variables with their content.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import filesToSass from '';


Files to Sass

NPM version

Converts a list of files to (a map of) Sass variables with their content.

GitHub | NPM | @jelmerdemaat

Early beta: see todo for functionality that's not yet included.


filesToSass(options, callback(Object fileList));

Use as follows:

var filesToSass = require('files-to-sass');

    src: '/path/to/source/folder/',
    dest: '/path/to/dest/file.scss',
    sassMap: true,
    sassMapName: 'MyFiles',
    base64: true
    debug: true,
}, callback);

Using Gulp it's possible to access this module directly:

var filesToSass = require('files-to-sass');

gulp.task('import', function () {
        src: '/path/to/source/folder/',
        dest: '/path/to/dest/file.scss',
        sassMap: true,
        sassMapName: 'MyFiles',
        base64: true
        debug: true,
    }, callback);

Example output, using SVG's as input, would be:

$logo: '<svg width="58" height="56" viewBox="0 0 58 56"><g fill="#163962"...';
$icon-download: '<svg width="12" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12"><g fill="#000"...';
$icon-arrow-right: '<svg width="15" height="15" viewBox="0 0 15 15"><g fill="#fd0"...';

And using the Sass map functionality:

$fileMap: (
    logo: '<svg width="58" height="56" viewBox="0 0 58 56"><g fill="#163962"...',
    icon-download: '<svg width="12" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12"><g fill="#000"...',
    icon-arrow-right: '<svg width="15" height="15" viewBox="0 0 15 15"><g fill="#fd0"...'



Required. Sets the path to the source folder.


Required. Sets the path and name of the destination Sass file, including extension.


Optional. Set to true if you want to output a Sass map.

Default: false


Optional. String to be used as the Sass map variable name. The $ will be prepended.

Default: fileMap


Optional. Convert strings to Base64

Default: false


Optional. Only available when using Sass maps and (SVG) images. Returns width and height in addition to the file contents.

Default: false


Optional. Set to true if you want to see which files are being processed.

Default: false


  • Switch to async module structure.
  • Add ability to use files as source input.
  • Add the output folder if it doesn't exist already.
  • Add option to use maps in stead of plain variables. Thanks @sebsmi