
Find a file by walking up parent directories (barebones implementation, no dependencies)

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import findUpSync from '';




Find a file by walking up parent directories (barebones implementation, no dependencies).

Useful to automatically find the path to configuration files that should exist in a predefined directory. See example below.


npm install --save find-up-sync


Assume your filesystem has a structure like this:

└── home
    └── pvieira
        └── my-app
            ├── config
                └── email-key.txt
            └── xyz
                └── abc
                    └── find-key.js

We want to obtain the path to config/email-key.txt from any module in the application, without using relative paths or any other dependency specific to the application (such as a global __rootDir variable).

The find-key.js module will find the path:

var FindUp = require('find-up-sync');
var path = FindUp('config/email-key.txt');

// path === '/home/pvieira/my-app/config/email-key.txt'

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