
Some common hooks we use in projects

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import fixateFeathersHooks from '';



These are largely deprecated by the latest feathers-hooks-common

A mixed bag of feathers hooks that are useful in almost all projects.

They all curry the hook function, so the 'outer' call is used for configuration and returns a function.


  • lodash/fp (Many hooks use this)
  • bcryptjs (can remove see optionalHashPassword below)
  • deep-assign (defaults)
  • string (slugify)
  • feathers-errors (setUserField)
  • feathers-hooks (removeSensitiveFields)

Install: npm install --save fixate-feathers-hooks

Include: const defaults = require('fixate-feathers-hooks/defaults') or const { defaults } = require('fixate-feathers-hooks');



Specify default query params or results. You can also use a function which returns a calculated default.

defaults({ q: 'foo', complex(hook) { return hook.params.anotherField } }, { deep: true })(hook);
// (before hook) params = { q: 'bar', anotherField: 'test123' } then params.query will have { q:'bar', complex: 'test123' }


Workaround for issue. Copy of feathers-authentication's hashPassword hook, but we can use this in updates and patches because it doesn't try and hash a falsey password. TODO: remove; fixed in PR#287


Select fields in data (before hook) or result (after hook) to allow through using dot notation (lodash get). Handles deeply nested objects too.

permitFields('public.object', '')(hook);


Configure fields which should be removed from api responses. Configure sensitiveFields in your default.json (uses app.get and feathers-hooks.remove hook).

>= 1.0.4 - Will throw an error if you use this hook without a configuration for the "model". This is to prevent typos causing data to leak.


// default.json
"sensitiveFields": {
  "user": ["password", "forgottenPasswordToken", ...],
  "creditCard": ["cvv"],


Specify and validate required params - if params are missing throw an error (BadRequest by default)

requiredParams('firstName', 'lastName', 'email', { Error: new Error('My custom error') })(hook);


Will ensure that hook.params.query has the specified values.

scopeQueryTo({ status: 'active' })(hook);

// with function
const scopeToOwner = scopeQueryTo(hook => ({ user: hook.user._id }));
exports.before = {
  find: scopeToOwner,
  get: scopeToOwner,
  update: scopeToOwner,
  patch: scopeToOwner,
  remove: scopeToOwner,


Sets the data object to a field contained in hooks.user object. If overwrite is false, then only set if data value is empty (probably want to be careful of doing that).

// with default options (except field which is required)
setUserField({ field: 'user', userField: '_id', overwrite: true })(hook);


Slugifies fields in object and sets the result to another field.

slugify('mySlug', 'firstName'/*, overwrite = false*/);
// Or
slugify('mySlug', ['firstName', 'lastName']/*, overwrite = false*/);


Sets the current timestamp

// true = Overwrites
const updatedAt = timestamp('updatedAt', true);
// Does not overwrite - note: if your database defaults to now you won't need this :)
const createdAt = timestamp('createdAt');
export.before = {
  create: createdAt,
  update: updatedAt,
  patch: updatedAt,


Calls your options.userService service to check if options.field already exists. If not, it will BadRequest, otherwise it'll let the request continue. Asynchronous, returns promise. Useful for protecting against mongoose duplicate key errors and returning a useful error.

// with defaults
validateUnique({ field: 'username', userService: '/users' })(hook);


  • Tests
  • Remove optionalHashPassword