
Javascript Framework for Rapid App devlopment

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import flameJs from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/flame.js';



A Javascript Framework for rapid web apps. flame.js is a component based javascript framework that uses a fragmentation model. It handles all dom insertions using a DocumentFragment.

What makes flame.js different is we don't want to replace the dom, but we want to empower you as the developer to gain better control of the dom. This is achieved because every Component you create has a direct pointer to itself in the dom.

To Install In your JavaScript App

npm i -s flame.js

How to use in your app

in a js file of your choice

// es6 example

import { Component, Text, Div, Button } from 'flame';

const Styles = {
  MainDiv: {
    textAlign: 'center',
    justifyContent: 'center',
    alignItems: 'center',
    flexDirection: 'row'
  DivOne: {
    textAlign: 'center',
    justifyContent: 'center',
    alignItems: 'center'

class ButtonView extends Component {
  constructor(args) {
    this.args = args;
  render() {
      const { valueOne, valueTwo} = this.args;
      const ButtonValue= new Button();
      const TextValue = new Text();

      ButtonValue.onClick(()=> {
        if(TextValue._getDom().innerText === valueOne) {
        else {

      return (new Div({
          children: [TextValue, ButtonValue],
          style: Styles.DivOne

export default class Main extends Component {
  constructor() {
  render() {
    const ButtonView1 = new ButtonView({valueOne: 'whatup', valueTwo: 'no way'});
    const ButtonView2 = new ButtonView({valueOne: 'hey man', valueTwo: 'whatup'});
    return (new Div({
        children: [
          ButtonView1, ButtonView2
        style: Styles.MainDiv

I am using webpack to bundle my code up, but feel free to choose any alternatives, such as babel etc

index.js file

import { flame } from 'flame';
import Main from './Views/testviews';

function component() {
  // create an instance of flame, pass in the html selector you want flame to render on
  // in my case I picked the body because I'm rendering a completely blank html file with webpack
  // but if you want to create a default template and want flame to manage a small section you can
  return (new flame('body',Main));

To use this library you can use webpack in devlopment to precompile your entry file

refer to webpack getting started