
Converts X-Cart 5 Flexy templates to Twig

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import flexyToTwig from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/flexy-to-twig';


Flexy to Twig converter

This tool converts X-Cart 5 Flexy templates (original version is found on PEAR) to the Twig syntax.


The recommended way is to install globally via:

npm install -g flexy-to-twig

Or install locally:

npm install flexy-to-twig

(in that case you will need to either run converter as ./node_modules/.bin/flexy-to-twig or somehow alter your PATH)


flexy-to-twig example.tpl

The above command will print generated twig template contents to stdout. Redirect stdout to file to actually create a twig template file:

flexy-to-twig example.tpl > example.twig

To recursively convert all files starting from the skins subdirectory:

find skins/ -name '*.tpl' -exec bash -c 'file="{}" ; flexy-to-twig "{}" > ${file%.tpl}.twig' -- {}  \;

Instructions to modify & build:

The converter is based on Jison parser generator, the build process is automated with gulp. Install the npm dependencies and run gulp:

npm install

The source file for the flexy grammar is bundled with AST converter in flexy-to-twig.jison