
Fluent bindings for DOM

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import fluentDom from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/fluent-dom';



fluent-dom provides DOM bindings for Project Fluent, a localization framework designed to unleash the expressive power of the natural language.


fluent-dom can be used both on the client-side and the server-side. You can install it from the npm registry or use it as a standalone script (as the FluentDOM global).

npm install fluent-dom

How to use

The DOMLocalization constructor provides the core functionality of full-fallback ready message formatting. It uses a lazy-resolved FluentBundle objects from the fluent package to format messages.

On top of that, DOMLocalization can localize any DOMFragment by identifying localizable elements with data-l10n-id and translating them.

import { DOMLocalization } from 'fluent-dom'

const l10n = new DOMLocalization(MutationObserver, [
], generateBundles);



const h1 = document.querySelector('h1');

// Sets `data-l10n-id` and `data-l10n-args` which triggers
// the `MutationObserver` from `DOMLocalization` and translates the
// element.
l10n.setAttributes(h1, 'welcome', { user: 'Anna' });

For imperative uses straight from the JS code, there's also a Localization class that provides just the API needed to format messages in the running code.

import { Localization } from 'fluent-dom'

function *generateBundles() {
  // Some lazy logic for yielding FluentBundles.
  yield *[bundle1, bundle2];

const l10n = new Localization(document, [
], generateBundles);

async function main() {
  const msg = await l10n.formatValue('welcome', { name: 'Anna' });
  // → 'Welcome, Anna!'

Learn more

Find out more about Project Fluent at projectfluent.org, including documentation of the Fluent file format (FTL), links to other packages and implementations, and information about how to get involved.