
Speak fluently to your Neo4j graph database

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import fluentNeo4j from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/fluent-neo4j';


Fluent Neo4j

This package allows you to run any cypher query you like agains your Neo4j instance in a promise-style.

The results will be formatted for your convenience.

To build the query check out the API docs of fluent-cypher

Table of Contents


You'll need to set env params to connect to neo4j

export NEO4J_URL="bolt://localhost:7687"
export NEO4J_USER="neo4j"
export NEO4J_PASS="neo4j"

Now you can use the package on the server.

const Neo4jQuery = require('fluent-neo4j')
import Neo4jQuery from 'fluent-neo4j'


var query = new Neo4jQuery()

See constructor options of fluent-cypher


All methods return a promise. So after any fetch method building the query is not possible anymore.


Returns the first row of results as an object and if specified accesses the alias of the row.

new Neo4jQuery()
    .match({$: 'myNode', name: 'Jhonny'})
    .then((rows) => {
        console.log(rows) // => [{myNode: {id: 123, name: 'Jhonny'}}]
    .catch((err) => console.error(err))
new Neo4jQuery()
    .match({$: 'myNode', name: 'Jhonny'})
        console.log(rows) // => [{id: 1234, name: 'Jhonny'}]
    .catch((err) => console.error(err))


Returns the first record, if specified the result will be brought top-level accessing the alias given.

new Neo4jQuery()
    .match({$: 'myNode', name: 'Jhonny'}, {$: 'someoneElse', name: 'Bo'}))
    .return('myNode', 'someoneElse')
    .then(row => {
        console.log(row) // => {myNode: {id: 1234, name: 'Jhonny'}, someoneElse: {...}}
    .catch((err) => console.error(err))
new Neo4jQuery()
    .match({$: 'myNode', name: 'Jhonny'}, {$: 'someoneElse', name: 'Bo'})
    .return('myNode', 'someoneElse')
    .then(row => {
        console.log(row) // => {id: 1234, name: 'Jhonny'}
    .catch((err) => console.error(err))


Runs the native run method of the driver returning unformatted results.

Use this method if you don't care about the result as it skips parsing of the result object.

example: Get the query result as the driver returns it

new Neo4jQuery()
    .match({$: 'myNode'})
    .then(queryResult => {
    // 	{ records:
  //  [ Record {
  //      keys: [Array],
  //      length: 1,
  //      _fields: [Array],
  //      _fieldLookup: [Object] },
  //    Record {
  //      keys: [Array],
  //      length: 1,
  //      _fields: [Array],
  //      _fieldLookup: [Object] },
  //    Record {
  //      keys: [Array],
  //      length: 1,
  //      _fields: [Array],
  //      _fieldLookup: [Object] } ],
  // summary:
  //  ResultSummary {
  //    statement:
  //     { text: 'MATCH (node {name:{name0}}) RETURN node as node ',
  //       parameters: [Object] },
  //    statementType: 'r',
  //    counters: StatementStatistics { _stats: [Object] },
  //    updateStatistics: StatementStatistics { _stats: [Object] },
  //    plan: false,
  //    profile: false,
  //    notifications: [],
  //    server:
  //     ServerInfo {
  //       address: 'hobby-necdejfcclhegbkeceejghal.dbs.graphenedb.com:24786',
  //       version: 'Neo4j/3.3.0' },
  //    resultConsumedAfter: Integer { low: 1, high: 0 },
  //    resultAvailableAfter: Integer { low: 1, high: 0 } } }
    .catch((err) => console.error(err))

How to run tests

This will test against an online test instance

npm test

This will test against a local instance - you'll need to set env vars.

WARNING: Make sure you are using a test database as this adds and deletes data!

npm run test-local