
This is a reusable and scalable React component based on the Formik library. By adding validationSchema it will not go to the next step, unless the entries are validated, You can experiment and the example below illustrates the props

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import formikStepper from '';


React Formik Stepper Component

This is a reusable and scalable React component based on the Formik library. By adding validationSchema it will not go to the next step, unless the entries are validated, You can experiment and the example below illustrates the props

What's New !!?

This is the second version of that package in which we have added some new features and improved performance and reduced some of the props in some components in order to help ease of use. And we have added some new input fields like [SelectField, RadioField]. I hope you like it :)


Using npm:

npm install formik-stepper

Using yarn

yarn add formik-stepper

FormikStepper Props

Properties Type Default value Description
Formik ...Props ...... ..... Click to learn more
withStepperLine Boolean false default and If it is false, it hides stepper line
nextButton Object .... Click to learn more
prevButton Object .... Click to learn more
submitButton Object ...... Click to learn more

FormikStep Props

Properties Type Default value Description
label String .... The text label of Step
Icon JSX Element Step Number to add icon into the circle must add icon as React Component
labelColor String #000 The text label color can be CSS colors as ( #fff )
circleColor String #2196f3 The text label color can be CSS colors as ( #fff )

Button Props

Properties Type Default value Description
label String ..... The text label of the Button
style CSS Properties .... Click to learn more

InputField Props

Properties Type Default value Description
type String text Click to learn more
label String .... The text label of Input Field
placeholder String Value of label The text placeholder of Input Field
floating Boolean false floating Input Style
component JSX Element null To Create your costme Input Component


import * as Yup from "yup";
import {
} from "formik-stepper";
import { IoAdd, IoBalloonSharp } from "react-icons/io5";

const validationSchema = Yup.object().shape({
  firstName: Yup.string().required("The First Name field is required"),
  lastName: Yup.string().required("The Last Name field is required"),
  email: Yup.string()
    .email("The email must be a valid email address.")
    .required("The Email field is required"),
  password: Yup.string()
    .required("The Password field is required")
      `Must Contain 8 Characters, One Uppercase, One Lowercase,
      One Number and one special case Character [@$!%*#?&-_]`
  privacy: Yup.boolean()
    .oneOf([true], "The terms and conditions must be accepted."),

export const Form = () => {
  const onSubmit = async (
    values: any,
    { setSubmitting }: FormikHelpers<any>
  ) => {

  return (
      /// Accept all Formik props
      onSubmit={onSubmit} /// onSubmit Function
        firstName: "",
        lastName: "",
        email: "",
        password: "",
        privacy: false,
      withStepperLine /// false as default and If it is false, it hides stepper line
      nextButton={{ label: "Step" }}
      prevButton={{ label: "Back" }}
      submitButton={{ label: "Done", style: { background: "blue" } }}
      {/*  First Step */}
        label="Profile Info" /// The text label of Step
        labelColor="#37bf5e" /// css-colors => #fff
        circleColor="#37bf5e" /// css-colors => #fff
        Icon={({ active, done }) => {
          console.log({ active, done });
          if (active) return <IoAdd />;
          else return <IoBalloonSharp />;
        <InputField name="firstName" label="First Name" floating />
        <InputField name="lastName" label="Last Name" floating />

              { value: "one", label: "one" },
              { value: "tow", label: "tow" },
              { value: "three", label: "three" },
      {/* Second Step */}
      <FormikStep label="Login Info" circleColor="#6f42c1">
        <InputField name="email" label="Email" type="email" />
        <InputField name="password" label="password" type="password" floating />
          <CheckBoxField name="privacy" label="privacy" />
            { label: "one.", value: "one" },
            { label: "tow.", value: "tow" },