
The PluginApi and pluginHandler used for both host and ext side plugin functionality

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import gardrCorePlugin from '';



The PluginApi and pluginHandler used for both host and ext side plugin functionality. It has no dependencies to Garðr or any other libraries.

To make plugins decoupled from the Garðr-code we have plugins as a pub-sub. They are triggered syncronously, so plugins can change the object that is passed along. In Garðr we use event names like: "{object}:{event}". For instance "params:parsed" is triggered right after we've parsed the parameters from the URL in gardr-ext. The params object is passed as the event data. If a plugin needs to change the script URL before it's written, it can just change the value of params.url. Also "item:afterrender" is triggered after an item (banner) has finished loading, and the item object is passed as the event data.

This module exposes two objects:

var pluginCore = require('gardr-plugin-core');
pluginCore.PluginApi; // the API-object constructor
pluginCore.pluginHandler; // used to register and initialize plugins

It works by exposing a metod that pass plugins to pluginHandler.register. Then call pluginHandler.initPlugins with a new instance of PluginApi and the options object (if they need it).

var pluginApi;

module.exports = {
    plugin: function (pluginFn) {

    init: function (options) {
        pluginApi = new pluginCore.PluginApi();
        pluginCore.pluginHandler.initPlugins(pluginApi, options);

Plugin functions have two parameters; pluginApi and options (same options as above).

module.exports = function (pluginApi, options) {
    // Could check options for plugin configuration or read/change the main module´s options

    pluginApi.on('eventname', function (obj) { = 'bar';

To trigger events:

var obj = {foo: null};
pluginApi.trigger('eventname', obj);
console.log( ); // 'foo'