
Gatsby theme for a basic business marketing website. as the CMS.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import gatsbyThemeCatalystBery from '';


Gatsby Theme Catalyst Bery

This theme is for a personal blog and demonstrates tight integration with as the CMS and Gatsby as the frontend. It comes with a preconfigured content schema for and demonstration data you can import for a quick start. It features Seo optimization, social image sharing, RSS feed integration, and a clean design language that focuses on your content.

This is also an example of "ejecting" from using a preset header themes and building your own custom header to interact with the other Catalyst themes. The header used here is completely custom for this theme, and not one of the prebuilt options available.


Catalyzing Start

Because this theme and starter relies on a backend there are a few additional steps to get up and running.

Install the theme and starter

## Install the theme and starter
gatsby new bery`
cd bery


## Initiate a new SANITY project using their CLI
cd sanity-studio
sanity install
## Setup a new dataset
## Choose Yes to reconfigure the SANITY project
## Chose Yes to use the default dataset configuration
sanity init
## Import the placeholder data
## Import to the "production" dataset
cd data
sanity dataset import production.tar.gz
# Deploy the graphql schema
cd ..
sanity graphql deploy
# Start your studio on a localhost
sanity start

Update your gatsby-config

You need to update the projectId from so that the theme can properly source its data. You can find this in the file sanity-studio/sanity.json.

Update your gatsby-config.js:

  resolve: `gatsby-theme-catalyst-bery`,
  options: {
    sanityProjectId: `c1x70rzt`, // Change this line

Run gatsby develop

You can now run gatsby develop and your site will build correctly sourcing data from!

Theme options

Bery accepts all options from the core theme and sanity theme directly, e.g. you can set useColorMode via gatsby-theme-catalyst-bery and it is passed down to the correct theme appropriately. Note that because of the custom header component and the theme design some theme options may not work as expected - e.g. the site title and avatar image are not optional as they hardcoded into the custom header. This theme was built with a more singluar design and could be modified via component shadowing if needed.

For example the following config is valid:

      resolve: `gatsby-theme-catalyst-bery`,
      options: {
        sanityProjectId: `4w5ygwpy`, // Required
        rssTitle: "My Great Blog",
        rssDescription: "A little description of who I am and why I am great.",
        // Defaults
        // sanityPostPath: `/posts`,
        // footerContentLocation: "center",
        // sanityPostListTitle: "Blog",
        // sanityPostListPath: `/`,

Bery Options

Option Values Description
rssTitle String Set the RSS title for your feed.
rssDescription String Set the RSS description for your feed.
useHeaderSocialLinks Boolean Defaults to true, controls the visibility of social links in header.
useColorMode Boolean Defaults to true, controls the visibility of dark mode toggle.

Sanity Theme Options

Option Values Description
sanityProjectId String Required, Sanity project ID
sanityDataset String Defaults to "production", change to reflect the dataset name you are using in Sanity
sanityToken String Defaults to null, should only be used with env variables for security purposes.
sanityWatchMode Boolean Defaults to true, toggle for watch mode
sanityOverlayDrafts Boolean Defaults to false, toggle for live previews, a token and private dataset is required.
sanityCreatePages Boolean Defaults to true, toggle to turn on/off page generation from
sanityCreatePosts Boolean Defaults to true, toggle to turn on/off blog post page generation from
sanityCreateCategories Boolean Defaults to true, toggle to turn on/off category page generation from
sanityCreatePostsList Boolean Defaults to true, toggle to turn on/off blog post list generation from
sanityCreateProjects Boolean Defaults to true, toggle to turn on/off project page generation from
sanityCreateProjectsList Boolean Defaults to true, toggle to turn on/off project list generation from
sanityPostPath String Defaults to "/posts", is the path for before posts, e.g.
sanityPostListPath String Defaults to "/posts", is the path for the posts list, e.g.
sanityProjectPath String Defaults to "/projects", is the path for before projects, e.g.
sanityProjectListPath String Defaults to "/projects", is the path for the projects list page, e.g.
sanityPostListTitle String Defaults to "Posts", is title for the posts list page.
sanityProjectListTitle String Defaults to "Projects", is title for the projects list page.
sanityDisplayPostListTitle Boolean Defaults to true, toggle to turn on/off the post list
sanityDisplayProjectListTitle Boolean Defaults to true, toggle to turn on/off the project list

Core Theme Options

Option Values Description
contentPath String Defaults to "content/pages", determines where the pages are created from.
assetPath String Defaults to "content/assets", determines where the page assets like images are located.
useKatex true or false Defaults to false, enables gatsby-remark-katex for displaying math equations.
remarkImagesWidth Integer value Defaults to 1440, allows you to customize the image width option for gatsby-remarks-images.
imageQuality Integer value Defaults to 50, allows you to customize the image quality on a scale of 0 - 100.
useAlertBanner Boolean Defaults to false, toggles the display of an alert banner across the top of the page.

Footer Theme Options

Option Values Description
useFooterSocialLinks true or false Defaults to true, controls whether the social links are displayed or not
footerContentLocation String value, "left", "right" or "center" Defaults to "left", determines the location of the footer content.


To implement in a future release.