
Gemini plugin that generates a single JSON report file.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import geminiJsonReporter from '';


NPM Version Build Status Coverage Status Dependencies


Plugin for Gemini which enables to report to a single JSON file.

The images will be included in the JSON file as base64 encoded strings.


To use this plugin set the following configuration in gemini config file:

        reportFile: ./myTestReport.json

If reportFile is a relative path then it will be resolved to the current working directory.


The following is a formatted example output of this reporter:

        "hash": "bc7c827a8e6b9ed652399af55fc9e01c35ec0c74a690b2affe0bab4c2506e011",
        "type": "success",
        "suitePath": [ "foo" ],
        "stateName": "plain",
        "browserId": "firefox",
        "referencePath": "/path/to/the/reference/image.png"
        "hash": "9584ddd8f7f6ec0a5dd7157bb96da9b08211ee9b437f62ddd98cb7fff4b35f22",
        "type": "failure",
        "suitePath": [ "foo", "bar" ],
        "stateName": "hovered",
        "browserId": "chrome",
        "referencePath": "/path/to/the/reference/image/bar.png",
        "images": {
            "actual": "<base64 encoded image>",
            "diff": "<base64 encoded image>"


The JSON report is a flat list of all test results. Each test result gets a hash value which makes it possible to uniquely identify a test result within the list.

There are 4 different cases how a test result can look like:

  1. type: success:

          "hash": "9584ddd8f7f6ec0a5dd7157bb96da9b08211ee9b437f62ddd98cb7fff4b35f22",
          "type": "success",
          "suitePath": [ "foo" ],
          "stateName": "plain",
          "browserId": "firefox",
          "referencePath": "/path/to/reference/image.png"
  2. type: failure:

          "hash": "9584ddd8f7f6ec0a5dd7157bb96da9b08211ee9b437f62ddd98cb7fff4b35f22",
          "type": "failure",
          "suitePath": [ "foo" ],
          "stateName": "plain",
          "browserId": "firefox",
          "referencePath": "/path/to/reference/image.png",
          "image": {
              "actual": "<base64 encoded image>",
              "diff": "<base64 encoded image>"
  3. type: error, name: NoRefImageError

          "hash": "9584ddd8f7f6ec0a5dd7157bb96da9b08211ee9b437f62ddd98cb7fff4b35f22",
          "type": "error",
          "suitePath": [ "foo" ],
          "stateName": "plain",
          "browserId": "firefox",
          "referencePath": "/path/to/reference/image.png",
          "error": {
              "name": "NoRefImageError",
              "message": "Can not find reference image at /path/to/reference/image.png.\nRun `gemini update` command to capture all reference images."
          "images": {
              "actual": "<base 64 encoded image>"
  4. type: error

          "hash": "9584ddd8f7f6ec0a5dd7157bb96da9b08211ee9b437f62ddd98cb7fff4b35f22",
          "type": "error",
          "suitePath": [ "foo" ],
          "stateName": "plain",
          "browserId": "firefox",
          "error": {
              "name": "GeminiError",
              "message": "Cannot launch browser firefox …",
              "stack": "<stacktrace>"