
Generate npm install commands base on package.json

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import generateNpmInstall from '';



Generate npm/yarn install commands base on package.json


  • Node.js ≥ 6.0.0, and npm
  • UNIX-like shell, e.g. sh, bash, zsh


npm install --global generate-npm-install



This will generate npm install --save-{prod,bundle,optional,dev} or yarn add {,--optional,--dev} commands base on package.json in working directory

generate-npm-install # output contains: npm install --save... package1 package2 ...
NPM_TAG=latest generate-npm-install # output contains: npm install --save... package1@latest package2@latest ...
USE_YARN=true generate-npm-install # output contains: yarn add ...

This will generate npm install commands for /path/to/directory/package.json

generate-npm-install /path/to/directory
NPM_TAG=latest generate-npm-install /path/to/directory

This will execute generated npm install commands

generate-npm-install | sh
NPM_TAG=latest generate-npm-install | sh
generate-npm-install /path/to/directory | sh
NPM_TAG=latest generate-npm-install /path/to/directory | sh

JavaScript APIs

Import module

const generateNpmInstall = require('generate-npm-install')

Function Usage

generateNpmInstall(options: {
  process: {
    env: {
      TAG?: string,
      NPM_TAG: string = TAG,
      USE_YARN: string = 'false'
  } = require('process'),

  fs: {
    readFileSync: (filename: string) => {
      toString: (encoding: string = 'utf8') => string
  } = require('fs'),

  path: {
    resolve: (...args: string[]) => string
  } = require('path'),

  directory: string = process.cwd()
}): string
  • options.process: object, default to process
  • options.process.env: object, default to {}
  • options.process.env.NPM_TAG: string, default to options.process.env.TAG
  • options.process.env.TAG: string, default to undefined
  • options.process.env.USE_YARN: string, default to 'false'
  • options.fs: object, default to fs
  • options.fs.readFileSync: function
  • options.path: object, default to path
  • options.path.resolve: function
  • string, path to a directory, default to options.process.cwd()
  • Returns a string contains UNIX shell script