
This yeoman generator creates basic file structures to develop and test abas dashboard widgets

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import generatorAbasDashboardWidget from '';


The abas dashboard widget CLI

abas-dashboard-widget CLI is the official command line tool for abas dashboard widget projects. It includes a boilerpate generator for creating widgets, a development dashboard and a server. The CLI itself is a yeoman generator.

Install aba-dashboard-widget CLI

  1. Make sure you have installed the latest version of Node.js To check the version of Node.js that you have installed, run:

    node --version
  2. Update npm.

    npm install npm@latest -g
  3. Ensure that Git is installed. If it isn't, you can find it on the Git downloads page

    git --version
  4. Make git use only https for bitbucket

    git config --global url."".insteadOf
  5. Install bower, polymer-cli, yo, bower-art-resolver and abas-dashboard-widget

    npm install -g bower polymer-cli yo bower-art-resolver generator-abas-dashboard-widget


    yarn add global bower polymer-cli yo generator-abas-dashboard-widget

Project Layout

This is an overview of the generated directories.

  • Playground
    • dashboard
    • first-widget
    • another-widget
      • another-widget.html
      • widget.json
      • bower.json
      • assets

Playground serves as development environment for all of your widgets. The Playground contains a demo dashboard where you can add and test your widgets. The playground connects to your abas Installation. If your widget requests abas services the requests are automatically authorized and directed to your abas installation.

dashboard contains the demo dashboard application.

*-widget Every widget you create has its own directory. These folders are what you manage with your SCM. It is mandatory to have each widgets in its own repository.

Widget folder layout

  • first-widget
    • first-widget.html
    • widget.json
    • bower.json
    • assets

first-widget.html Is the actually file of your web component

widget.json Contains the description of your widget.

bower.json The components dependencies.

assets This folder contains static resources of your component.


Display the generator menu.

yo abas-dashboard-widget

Getting Started

Initialize the Playground

Either you start the generator with

yo abas-dashboard-widget

and select the option from the generator menu or you just enter

yo abas-dashboard-widget:initPlayground

Creating a widget

yo abas-dashboard-widget:createWidget

Starting up the playground

yo abas-dashboard-widget:playgroundUp

The demo dashboard is now running under http://[your-tenant] Log into the board with your usual credentials.

Link an exisitng widget to the demo dashboard

If you work on an exisiting widget stored in a SCM repository you first need to clone the widget repository into the Playground project. Then link the widget to the demo dashboard. To do so just start:

yo abas-dashboard-widget:linkWidget

Then choose the widget from the displayed list

Adding external libraries and components

Add the library or component to the widgets bower.json. To install the extension change directory to the widget folder and execute 'bower install'. Since every widget comes with a .bowerrc by default the extension will be installed to the playground dashboard bower_components folder and you should not need caring about dependency management.

Working with an IDE

Visual Studio Code

Microsoft Visual Code ( is free of charge and best suited to work on widgets. We recommend to install the additional plugins:

  • Polymer IDE
  • Polymer Syntax
  • Polymer 2 Snippets
  • Chai snippets
  • ESLint

Open the project in Visual Studio Code

From the menu choose File -> Open Folder and open the Playground directory.


If you have problems initializing your playground we recommend using the integrated terminal in visual studio code. If you are using git bash it could happen that you run into some problems that aren't solved yet.


If you experience problems with the abas dashboard widget generator contact us via the issue tracker in our bitbucket repository