
An Angular 2.x generator with TypeScript/Babel (ES6/ES7) and much more ...

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import generatorAngular2Ts from '';


Angular 2.x Generator + TypeScript/Babel (ES6/ES7)

Experimental Yeoman generator for your first Angular 2 project ... have fun

The generator enables you to write your Angular 2 application in plain JavaScript using ES6/ES7 features such as decorators and template strings. Along side the Babel flavor you can write your Angular 2 application using TypeScript. Both flavors are lived transpiled in the browser of your choice.


  • Angular 2.0 RC3 using the new component router, and inline templates
  • Babel with ES6/ES7 features
  • SystemJS and SystemJS Builder
  • TypeScript + tslint (with Codelyzer)
  • Babel with SystemJS
  • Modular Grunt
  • Sass for CSS preprocessing
  • Uses BrowserSync to live code in the browser
  • Also does image compression via imagemin
  • There also is a docker provided for deployment


  • Smoke Testing & E2E (Nightwatch) _ ...



Many things are still in the flow


use npm set progress=false as to dramatically improve the speed of npm

Install grunt-cli and typings, in the global scope -g:

npm i -g yo grunt-cli typings generator-angular2-ts

Create a new folder for your project, and cd into it:

mkdir my-new-app && cd $_

Run yo angular2-ts

yo angular2-ts [appname]

Develop in the Browser

Have fun with fun.

npm run start


grunt fun


As to build the final app run

grunt build


As to build the docker image run

npm run docker

and have run

docker run -it --rm -p 80:8080 angular2-ts

in the deployment.