
Generator for an iOS or Android app website built with hexo

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import generatorAppWebsite from '';


generator-app-website NPM version Dependency Status

Generator for an iOS or Android app website built with Metalsmith

Preview: live demo.


First, install Yeoman and generator-app-website using npm (we assume you have pre-installed node.js):

$ npm install -g yo generator-app-website

Then generate your new project:

$ yo app-website

Now go to the generated directory and start the server:

$ cd <app_name>-website
$ npm start

At this point, you should get a working website with your provided information. The only thing left to do is to replace the logo and screenshot images in source/img directory.

When you're done, publish your website using surge:

$ npm run deploy

To add your custom domain, follow these instructions (you don't need to create a CNAME file though — it was automatically generated for you).


MIT © Ayan Yenbekbay