Yeoman Generator for modern web applications using flask.
- Flask Application infrastructure;
- Flask Script support;
- Templates with Layout pre-configured;
- Flask Debug Toolbar support;
- OAuth Authentication with Google, Facebook, Github and Twitter support;
- MongoEngine models with User example;
- SQLAlchemy models with User example;
- Coffeescript and Compass/scss static support with auto-reload;
- Bower support;
- Automatic spriting via compass;
- Alembic Migrations;
- Flask Admin with automatic panels for mongoengine and sqlalchemy;
- Resque(PyRes) queueing support;
- Celery queueing support (still not implemented);
- Travis continuous integration support (still not implemented);
- Heroku application deployment support (still not implemented).
To install flask-app generator, run:
$ npm install -g generator-flask-app
Creating your app is as easy as:
$ yo flask-app
Just make sure you are already inside the directory for your new application. Just follow the questions and you'll have an application running in a moment;
Running My App
Before starting, make sure you have:
- A VirtualEnv (or similar) set-up for the new environment;
- A ruby environment with an interpreter version compatible with Sass/Compass;
- Node.js correctly installed.
To setup all the dependencies for your project, run make setup
After all the dependencies have been installed, you should be able to run your application with make run
. Your application will be running in port 3000.
If you selected oauth application, make sure you use the host or change the authorization providers to your own application.
If you have selected sqlalchemy support, you probable need to create the database before running with make db
Running tests
To run your application tests, just run make test
Application usage
General commands
- "make list" to list all available targets;
- "make setup" to install all dependencies (do not forget to create a virtualenv first);
- "make test" to test your application (tests in the tests/ directory);
Redis commands
- "make redis" to get a redis instance up (localhost:4444);
- "make kill-redis" to kill this redis instance (localhost:4444);
- "make redis-test" to get a redis instance up for your unit tests (localhost:4448);
- "make kill-redis-test" to kill the test redis instance (localhost:4448);
- "make tox" to run tests against all supported python versions.
Using Flask Admin
- Just access;
- In order to access the admin you must change your local.conf file to change the AUTHORIZED_ADMINS configuration to include the e-mail you are logging with;
SQL Alchemy commands
- "make migration DESC="
"" to create a new database migration; - "make auto_migration DESC="
"" to create a new database migration automatically from changes in the model; - "make db" to create the database and run migrations;
- "make data" to run migrations; IMPORTANT: Do not forget to update configuration (local.conf and other environments) with your MySQL (or other database) connection string;
PyRes commands
- "make worker" to run a PyRes Worker;
- "make resweb" to run a web dashboard for PyRes (available at - user: admin, pass: 123);
In order to use pyres, you must specify the queues to listen on. This can be done by setting the DEFAULT_QUEUES configuration or by running workers with "-q queue1,queue2";
IMPORTANT: Do not forget to update configuration (local.conf and other environments) with your redis connection string and change the resweb user and password;
Please fork, update what you need and pull request.