
A yeoman generator to build gulpfiles easily

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import generatorGulpfileAdvanced from '';


generator-gulpfile-advanced Build Status

A generator powered by Yeoman which gives a user the abilitiy to create all Gulp tasks they need to build, run or develop one's application.



$ npm install -g yo generator-gulpfile-advanced



  • Go to the root path of your project
  • To launch global generator:
$ yo gulpfile-advanced
  • Then select the tasks you want in your application
  • To launch sub-generator in order to add new tasks (after launching the global generator):
$ yo gulpfile-advanced:taskName
  • And now you can launch your task with gulp:
$ gulp taskName
  • Or launch in watch mode:
$ gulp taskName:watch
  • With the "custom" sub-generator you have the ability to make a custom task with existant tasks in your gulpfiles
  • For example if I want to create a task named "dev" which can transpile less, create a webserver and minify html:
$ yo gulpfile:custom
What would you call your custom task?
> dev
Which tasks do you want in your custom task ?
> less:watch, webserver:watch, minify-html:watch


Development installation

$ git clone
$ cd generator-gulpfile-advanced
$ git submodule init
$ git submodule update
$ npm link


  • The long goal of this generator is for it to be used with other sub-generators - ones I haven't developed too. Each sub-generator is isolated in its own git repository so that everyone can request pulls or file more precise issues.

  • Furthermore you can develop your own sub-generator; after you have tested don't hesitate to request a pull so that I can integrate it as a sub-module in the main generator. This way you will still be the sole owner of your work and are free to edit it as you please.

  • Here are the pre-requisites for your pull requests to be accepted:

    • Have your files well documented
    • Have automated tests
    • Keep the same structure so as to keep everything unified
  • The structure of the sub-generators has to be as follows:

    • One file per task
    • Task files have to be located in the "templates" directory et bear the same name as the task
    • An "index.js" file at the root of your sub-generator will allow for configuration
  • If you're interested in developing:

    • Clone the project and integrate your own generator in the "generators" directory
    • When you're done with development, integrate as a Git sub-module


Big thanks to WaxAndWane for the translation

Made by Coenen Benjamin with love