
Generates an ASP.NET Core web API and a React + MobX SPA in TypeScript using Yeoman

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import generatorHoflogicSpa from '';



This is a Yeoman generator which generates an ASP.NET Core web Api and a React + MobX SPA in TypeScript. Navigate to the template readme file to see information about the output of this generator.

Developing This Script

Getting Started

  • Open a command prompt at the root of this repository
  • Invoke npm link (this can be reverted with npm unlink --global)
  • In another directory, invoke yo hoflogic-spa

Altering the Template

  • Navigate to generators\app\templates to view and edit the template.
  • Navigate to generators\app\index.js to see how the template variables are substituted.