
Yeoman generator for core node express application

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import generatorIbmCoreNodeExpress from '';


WARNING: This repository is no longer maintained :warning:

The generated content is now available in our Node.js static application.

This repository will not be updated. The repository will be kept available in read-only mode.

IBM Core Node Express Generator

IBM Cloud powered Travis Coveralls Codacy Version DownloadsMonthly DownloadsTotal License Conventional Commits

This generator produces a simple Express-based Node.js server project, with all the ingredients you need for a good start at building a cloud native application. It can be run locally or remotely (e.g. IBM Cloud).


Install Yeoman

npm install -g yo


npm install -g generator-ibm-core-node-express


yo ibm-core-node-express --bluemix='{"name":"<project-name>"}'

Following command line arguments are supported:

  • --bluemix='{"name":"<project-name>","backendPlatform":"NODE"}'.
  • You will need at least a project name to run it locally.
  • You can alternatively supply a local file containing compatible JSON object by using --bluemix file:path/to/file.json


Here is a list of the files and folders you receive after executing the generator:

File Purpose Instructions for building, running, and deploying the project
package.json JSON file containing project info, scripts, nodemonConfig, and dependencies
public/* Folder containing files for server landing page (specifically public/index.html)
server/* Folder containing server configuration files (specifically server/server.js)
test/* Folder containing JSON files for running code tests (npm test)


Clone this repository and link it via npm

git clone
cd generator-ibm-core-node-express
npm link

In a separate directory invoke the generator via

yo ibm-core-node-express --bluemix='{"name":"<project-name>"}'  


To run the unit tests

npm test

Publishing Changes

In order to publish changes, you will need to fork the repository or branch off the master branch.

Make sure to follow the conventional commit specification before contributing. To help you with commit a commit template is provide. Run to initialize the commit template to your .git/config or use commitizen

Once you are finished with your changes, run npm test to make sure all tests pass.

Do a pull request against master, make sure the build passes. A team member will review and merge your pull request. Once merged to master an auto generated pull request will be created against master to update the changelog. Make sure that the and the package.json is correct before merging the pull request. After the auto generated pull request has been merged to master the version will be bumped and published to Artifactory.