Stylized and opinionated Jekyll development
Jekyllized is an opinionated Yeoman generator for building Jekyll based websites. Easy scaffolding via Yo to get started quickly, Bower for managing frontend packages and Gulp to automate and optimize developing your site.
Based on Jekyll, Jekyllized is ideal for building highly optimized static sites and prototyping sites. Quickly review changes with LiveReload, optimize your stylesheets and images automatically and detect errors and unused code in your project.
- CSS using cssnext
- Upload your site to either Amazon S3 or to your server with Rsync
- Jekyll with sane configurations and lots of extras
- Have your sites automatically refreshed across multiple devices with BrowserSync
- Detect errors and potential issues with your code using
jekyll doctor
and JShint - Optimize your assets and site: your CSS and JS is automatically concatenated, both your CSS, JS and HTMl is minifiyed and all your text files are gzipped for optimal performance. Your images are run through imagemin to optimize them as well
- Cachebusting for your assets
Getting started
To install you need Node.js (>0.10.0
) and Ruby (> 1.9
for Jekyll. Install Jekyllized via NPM: npm install -g generator-jekyllized
and finally run yo jekyllized
in the directory you want to install in.
The default task, this will automatically compile and open the site in your browser. A watch task runs in the background and detects when any files change, recompiles them if nessecary and updates your browser with BrowserSync.
gulp check
Check the health of your JavaScript, CSS and Jekyll. You can change the settings
for what it looks for in .jshintrc
gulp build
Almost the same as the default gulp
task, but this won't start up a
preview/LiveReload server and open the browser, it will only build your site.
gulp publish
This will first run gulp build
to make sure the changes you've made to your
site are included and then optimize all your assets (images, HTML, CSS, JS++).
If you want to display your optimized site to make sure everything is working
run gulp serve:prod
to see the changes.
gulp deploy
This will either upload your site to Amazon S3, Rsync your files to your server or push them to GitHub Pages.
Individual tasks
A lot of the tasks are built up of smaller tasks that can be run individually.
For example, the gulp publish
task first runs gulp build
(that also runs
, styles
and images
) and clean:prod
and then runs the html
and copy
commands (html
to optimize your site and copy
to copy over some
files that html
misses). If you want to you can run any of these tasks without
invoking their "parent" task. If you only wanted to optimize your assets and
such, run gulp html
and it won't run any of the tasks used with gulp publish
For all the different tasks that can be run, see the gulpfile and look through the code. Everything is commented and you can edit, change or remove what you want/need.
Amazon AWS
If you are using Amazon S3 make sure you change the region you want to use in
the aws-credentials.json and have created a bucket already. If you don't want to
use Cloudfront you'll have to uncommend the last line in the gulp deploy
For Rsync it should be automatic as long as your details are correct.
If you are using Rsync make sure the credentials are filled out in the
rsync-credentials.json file, otherwise all you have to do is to run gulp deploy
and your site will be synced to your server. NOTE: For the moment your
site is not gzipped while uploading, this is going to be fixed in the future.
GitHub Pages
If you are using GitHub Pages note that currently only personal repositories are
supported (
), however if you want to use it for project
repositories there are some things you need to do:
- Change the branch that the
gulp deploy
pushes to - Change the URL settings for Jekyll. Note that the fourth step
isn't required as Jekyllized will automatically serve your local site on
Currently not implemented
- Write more documentation
- Implement Bower functionality
- And more things