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Helping you build a better Joomla
Based on generator-joomla-component by Sean Goresht
A extension generator for Yeoman.
What It Does (Better)
Using this generator, you can quickly and effortlessly scaffold out a new joomla extension, using recommended MVC design pattern and coding standards. These include:
- Internationalization language files
- Tabs for indents
- CamelCase variable notation
- Proper MVC architecture
- PHPDocumentor stubs for every method, as well as page-level doc blocks
- Uses
, because that's what the official Joomla library uses
So rather than manually creating your own config.xml
and other config files, you just need to load up this generator, type in your options, and everything is set up for you. If you want to add a new model, view, or controller, just use the sub-generators!
What this generator does is place the code in a app folder for editing.
Stores user data in config.json in home directory for later usage with generators.
Makes use of gruntjs to do the following:
- zip files for deployment
Getting Started
What is Yeoman?
Trick question. It's not a thing. It's this guy:
Basically, he wears a top hat, lives in your computer, and waits for you to tell him what kind of application you wish to create.
Not every new computer comes with a Yeoman pre-installed. He lives in the npm package repository. You only have to ask for him once, then he packs up and moves into your hard drive. Make sure you clean up, he likes new and shiny things.
$ npm install -g yo
Other requirements
Yeoman Generators
Yeoman travels light. He didn't pack any generators when he moved in. You can think of a generator like a plug-in. You get to choose what type of application you wish to create, such as a Backbone application or even a Chrome extension.
Copy from git repository
To install generator-joomla-spc from npm, run:
$ npm install -g yo generator-joomla-spc
Finally, initiate the generator:
$ yo joomla-spc
There are currently 4 subgenerators:
- model:
yo joomla-spc:model "model-name"
- view:
yo joomla-spc:view "view-name"
- controller:
yo joomla-spc:controller "controller-name"
- helper:
yo joomla-spc:helper "helper-name"
Component template levels
Provides a basic level of scafolding for developing a basic component.
Based on Joomla's HelloWorld sample. Provides a intermediate level of scaffolding for developing a intermediate component. Includes an sql file and install script.php file. Demonstrates the use of views of singular and plural types. Illustrates the use of graphics in menus.
Provides a intermediate level of scaffolding for developing a intermediate component. Includes an sql file and install script.php file. Demonstrates the use of views of singular and plural types. Demonstrates the use of a control panel for more complex projects.
Other generators
Select from list upon startup of yo joomla-spc
component: implemented
- Component levels of basic, intermediate and advanced
module:Not yet implemented
plugin: implemented
- Can select a group for the plugin - Content, Extension, authentication etc.
template: Not yet implemented
templateadmin: Not yet implemented
In this project directory
modify the scripts
this will compile the coffee scripts manually.
Other commands
grunt watch
this will watch changes in coffee script files, then carry out coffeelint, compile coffee scripts and use jshint on js files.
to use temporarily open up a command prompt in this project directory type
npm link
this will allow yo joomla-spc to be run in the working directory
For the working directory
Create a working directory open up a command prompt in the working directory
yo joomla-spc
after running the generator files will be stored in app directory modify files to your project requirements
from the command prompt in the working directory type
this will zip (grunt's default task) up files located in app directory and place the zip file in dist directory.
Using the extensions generated
Recommend going here to download and install Bitnami Joomla for your system.
After creating the extension in your working directory run
and the default task will zip up the app directory and place the file in the dist directory. This file can then be installed into Joomla using the normal procedure. By installing the extension it will register it and have the ability to be directly edited and debugged within the Joomla installation. The generated extension can be zipped up and installed by default.
The components and starting logic are derived form the book Learning Joomla 3 Extension Development Third Edition (you can also find this on other alternative locations on the internet by googling)
Joomla! Programming By Mark Dexter, Louis Landry here
sublime text 2/3 joomla snippets
read the todo.txt file
Information on how to use sub-generators can be found by using:
yo joomla-spc --help
or read the USAGE file in the app directory.