
Simple Yeoman generator for front-end web projects. Unlike other generators which are often bloated and install more than is needed, this generator only installs the bare minimum to get up-and-running.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import generatorJrweb from '';



Simple Yeoman generator for front-end web projects. Unlike other generators which are often bloated and install more than is needed, this generator only installs the bare minimum to get up-and-running.

Runs webpack with webpack-dev-server for development, with Babel or TypeScript for ES6/ES7 transpiliation, along with source maps and a production build step. Uses SASS for CSS.

Includes a choice of either a basic bootstrap (choice of Angular 1.x, Angular 2, React) or an empty JavaScript file.

Travis semantic-release Commitizen friendly npm version


Ensure Yeoman is installed globally (npm install -g yeoman) and install the generator via:

npm install -g generator-jrweb


From the command line, open the directory where you wish to create the project and enter:

yo jrweb