Karma generator
See the Karma documentation for more info.
Why Karma?
Karma runs the tests in the browser, but reports them in the CLI. This greatly improves your workflow by giving you constant, accurate feedback on the status of your tests.
Install it globally npm install -g generator-karma
Running yo karma
will generate a config file for your project: karma.conf.js
. It will then install the npm dependencies.
By default, running yo karma
will generate a pretty boring (and almost useless) config file. The real power is using the options to specify almost every part of the config file.
There are a lot of options going on here. None of them are required and most are probably only useful when used with other generators calling this one.
Options are specified after yo karma
. Example:
yo karma --skip-install --frameworks=jasmine --app-files='app/**/*.js,public/**/*.js'
The full list:
Type: String, Default: 'jasmine'
Specifies which testing frameworks to use (CSV list). Example --frameworks=mocha,chai,requirejs,sinon
Type: String, Default: 'PhantomJS'
What browsers to test in (CSV list).
Type: String, Default: ''
List of application files (CSV list). There are purely the files you edit that make up your test.
Type: String, Default: ''
List of test files (CSV list), including spec and mock files.
Type: String, Default: ''
List of comments to add to files properties. It can be used to support bower dependencies wiring using wiredep.
Type: String, Default: ''
List of files to exclude (CSV list). Files you don't want tested.
Type: String, Default: ''
Specify Karma plugins (npm modules). Use the full name like karma-junit-reporter
Type: String, Default: ''
Optional components to use for testing (CSV list of components).
Type: String, Default: 'bower_components'
Directory where Bower components are installed, if not in the default location.
Type: String, Default: ''
Will be used to resolve files and exclude in the karma.conf.js
Type: Number, Default: 8080
Web server port to run Karma from.
Type: String, Default: '../templates'
If you would like to specify a different template to use, give the path to that folder.
Type: String, Default: ''
The config file name to write to. Useful if you want a different name like karma-e2e.conf.js
Type: String, Default: './test'
Path where the config files should be written to. This is where the karma.conf.js
file will be placed.
Composing With This Generator
This generator is now able to work with other generators. Any option specified above can be passed in. All of the csv type arguments can also accept arrays.
To use this, first include it as a devDependencies in the calling generator.
Next, include the code to actually use it:
this.composeWith('karma:app', {
options: {
frameworks: ['mocha', 'chai', 'sinon']
}, {
local: require.resolve('generator-karma/generators/app/index.js')
Migrating from version 1: The CoffeeScript and Gruntfile options have been remove. This is to make this generator more streamlined. Those should be built on top of this generator if people want a generator with that functionality.
Karma can be configured by editing karma.conf.js
. See the documentation page on the config file for an exhaustive list of options.
See the contributing docs