
> KnockoutJS Single-Page App Yeoman Generator

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import generatorKoSpa from '';



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Quickly scaffold out webpack + KnockoutJS SPAs, complete with testing (via karma & tape)

Supports ES2015 and incremental loading ootb :collision: :tada:

Includes jquery, lodash, knockout-punches & knockout-fast-foreach by default because you probably want them.

$ npm install -g yo generator-ko-spa


$ mkdir my-app && cd my-app
$ yo ko-spa & yo ko-spa:view home /
$ npm run serve


app [entry]

Generates the basic app structure.

When optional entry parameter is supplied, multi entry points are enabled and the app will be created in a subdirectory.

This can only be done the first time the app generator is ran, unless you want to go tweaking files later (which isn't difficult, but nice is avoided.)

view [entry] name route

Generates a new view (component) with the given route.

If the project is using multiple entry points, entry will be required.

binding name

Generates a new binding.

component name

Generates a new component.

extender name

Generates a new extender.

filter name

Generates a new knockout-punches filter.

util name

Generates a new utility.


These are all available via npm run <cmd>

build webpack

Builds the project

build:prod webpack -p

Builds the project for production

watch webpack --watch

Builds the project once and rebuilds on change.


Same as watch, but with -p


Serves app via webpack-dev-server (caution: webpack's docs suck. that's why this project exists.)


Same as serve, but with -p

Note: You wouldn't actually want to use this in production.


Runs the tests.


Runs the tests and generates code coverage.