
A Yeoman generator for scaffolding out a new LightScript JS app.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import generatorLightscript from '';


Yeoman LightScript Generator

This is a Yeoman LightScript generator that scaffolds out a LightScript JS application.

Getting Started

  1. Install Yeoman

  2. Install the Yeoman LightScript generator: npm install -g generator-lightscript

  3. Run yo lightscript in your project directory

  4. Run npm run ww to start webpack watch

Aditional Info

  • The generator will allow you to select either LightScript original or the @oigroup/LightScript fork.

  • You can specify the target, either 'Web', 'Node.js' or 'Both'.

  • You can also optionally specify LightScript compiler options if you want (e.g. stdlib: false).