A Yeoman generator for developing static sites featuring Gulp, Pattern Lab, Sass, CoffeeScript, and an auto-reloading server.
Install the generator:
npm install -g generator-mg-redux
Generate project in current directory:
yo mg-redux
The rest of this file is documentation for generated projects.
- Gulp (
npm install -g gulp
) - Bower (
npm install -g bower
) - If you're on Windows, PHP. If you're on a Mac, you already have PHP. If you're on Linux, you probably know whether or not you have PHP installed.
npm install
bower install
To build, watch, and start a server:
For a one-off build:
gulp build
The rest of the tasks live in tasks/
, split up by file.
/ All your stuff will be mooved into \
\ `build/` /
\ ^__^
\ (oo)\_______
(__)\ )\/\
||----w |
|| ||
By default, plugin errors (such as errors with Sass compilation) will cause
Gulp to halt. Errors and warnings are fatal. If you want to keep Gulp running,
use the --fatal=off
flag. This is useful if you are watching files and you
don't want to have to manually start gulp again.
gulp # Errors will stop the build
gulp --fatal=off # Errors will not stop the build
/ Protip: \
| alias g='gulp --fatal=off' |
| for udderly effortless |
\ development. /
\ ^__^
\ (oo)\_______
(__)\ )\/\
||----w |
|| ||
Important Directories/Files
src/ - Stuff in this directory gets moved or processed, like SCSS or CoffeeScript
src/assets/ - These files are moved straight into the build directory without being processed
src/scss/ - Scss files
src/coffee/ - All coffee files in here will be concatenated into js/all.js in your build directory
src/vendor/ - External libraries that aren't in bower. They'll be concatenated with bower files
build/ - Processed files go here. You could zip this up and deploy it.
tasks/ - Gulp tasks are defined in here
lib/ - Non-npm dependenices