
Yeoman generator for adding a new module to your project

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import generatorNewLib from '';


generator-new-lib Build Status

Yeoman generator for adding a new module to your project (i.e. in the lib dir)

Getting Started

npm install -g yo
npm install -g generator-new-lib
yo new-lib

? What is the Module name? myModule
? What subdirectory? (lib) lib 

Creates two files lib/my-module.js, and test/my-module-test.js. Note how the file names have been converted from the camel case above. The test file will be setup as a Mocha/Jasmine test, and already have the appropriate require statement for the lib module. If you supply a capitalized module name (MyModule), it will assume the module returns a constructor and add an instance instantiation to the test:

describe('my-module', function() {
  var assert = require('assert');
  var MyModule = require('../lib/my-module.js');
  // and if it's a constructor, the following is also added                  
  var myModule;
  beforeEach(function() {
    myModule = new MyModule();

new-lib:test generator

Scans your lib folder for files that do not have matching files in the test folder. Lets you pick which files to generate tests for.

Getting To Know Yeoman

Check out the Getting Started Guide.
