Setup for Nextbone applications
- Bundling with webpack
- Configures
npm script with a live server for development - Configures
npm script for production
- Configures
- Compilation with babel 7.x
- Uses preset-env
- Out of the box configured to support green browsers
- Preconfigured service-worker using Workbox
- Option to install CSS/UI frameworks
- Option to install bottlejs (dependency injection micro library)
- Option to install hygen templates (view, model, route)
First, install Yeoman and generator-nextbone using npm (we assume you have pre-installed node.js).
npm install -g yo
npm install -g generator-nextbone
Generate a new project
yo nextbone
The generator will ask for some options:
CSS/UI framework
- none
- Bootstrap 4 - with font awesome
- Framework7 v2 (Coming soon)
Nextbone plugins
- nextbone-modals
- nextbone-radio
Extra libraries
- bottlejs (dependency injection micro library)
- hygen templates (needs hygen installed globally):
hygen model new
- creates a Model and Collection descendanthygen component new
- creates a web componenthygen route new
- creates a route with associated component
Build the application
For development (a server will be started usually at http://localhost:8080)
npm run dev
For production
npm run prod