
A Yeoman generator that makes a boilerplate express app, in CoffeeScript, with simple login.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import generatorNonocastWebapp from '';


A generator for Yeoman.


This is a Yeoman generator to create a boilerplate express app (written in CoffeeScript) that optionally enables authorized user login. The resulting app uses Grunt to control development tasks.


First, make sure you have Yeoman installed, with

$ npm install -g yo

From then on, you can get information about Yeoman and your installed generators with

$ yo --help

Then, install this generator with

$ npm install -g generator-nonocast-webapp

Time to actually create your app. Create a directory for the app, and navigate into it. Then, execute the generator.

$ mkdir my_new_app
$ cd my_new_app
$ yo nonocast-webapp

Start your app in development environment on port 3000

$ grunt



GNU General Public License, version 2