This is my small scaffolding to a start a monorepo in JavaScript with Lerna.
The aim of this module is to add more functionality in the future while I learn or need more functionality, I don't entend to solve all cases or have all the tools you need but feel free to upgrade it with any tool or feature you think can be good.
$ npm install -g generator-paker-lerna
yo paker-lerna
This scaffolding generates all the files at the current directory, so be sure to change to a new directory before execute it.
generator-paker-lerna creates all the files and folders to start a monorepo, because Lerna works with Git, it's a good practice to start the repo in a git directory (Lerna relay on Git to create tags and versions). Those are the files and folders you'll find after execute the scaffolding:
- .editorconfig
- .eslintrc
- .eslintrc.json
- lerna.json
- package-lock.json
- package.json
- packages/
All the modules of the monorepo must be inside packages, read more about Lerna and monorepos at:
Those are the defaults scripts:
: lerna bootstrap commandcm
: option to commit. It follows the conventional commit typeclean
: lerna clean commandcommitmsg
: it is a command uses by husky to ensure all the commits are under the conventional commit type (You don't need to run it)publish
: lerna publish command. It adds a default text so you can find out when a publish was done
At this momment, the scaffolding uses the Airbnb eslint plugin, in the future it would offer different eslint options.
Any new feature, improvement or fix would be apprecaite, please fell free to upgrade and update the tool.