A Yeoman generator for Pattern Lab, a static site generator based on Brad Frost's Atomic Design methodologies. Scaffolds out a new Pattern Lab site, along with a few other optional workflow bells and whistles (Compass, Sass, Bower, Grunt) and front-end dependencies (jQuery, Modernizr, etc.).
Getting Started
- Install Yeoman
npm install -g yo
(one-time global install). - Install this generator with
npm install -g generator-patternlab
(one-time global install). - From the terminal, navigate to your site's directory (hint: creating a separate UI directory in the project root works pretty well).
- Type
yo patternlab
, answer a few questions about your project, and wait. - When it's done, type
to generate your first Pattern Lab build, thengrunt watch
to start the watcher. - Bask in the glory of your fully scaffolded site.
Development Plans
- The generator works but is pretty basic at this point.
- Patterns need to be updated to include preferences set in Yeoman prompts.
- Add .gitignore and .sublime-project templates
- Yeo+Lab now pulls the "release-0.7.12" branch of Pattern Lab from GitHub, instead of Master. This is a stopgap measure until we can release a version that works with the new Composer-based version of PL.
- Fixed bug with Sublime Text project file.
- Added predefined Sublime Text project file.
- Added Pagespeed/Ngrok support.
- Big change: integration of require.js. Also lots of small fixes and enhancements.
- Fixed Grunt Modernizr path issue.
- Bug fixes for Modernizr, current year added, cleanup corresponding to template changes.
- Cleaned up jQuery and Modernizr options. Both now install via Bower, and conditionally load into Grunt and PL templates based on Yo variables.
- Lots of changes. Starter JS files are scaffolded, templates are using a few Yo variables, and all Grunt tasks are working. The patterns still need a lot of cleanup, but the basic generator works well now.
- Cloning Pattern Lab now handled natively by Yeoman, instead of Bower.
- First commit. Functional but needs work.