Yeoman generator
Getting Started
To run this version of yeoman generator. First, make sure that you have already installed yeoman
$ npm install -g yo
To install generator-rails-angular-require from npm, run:
$ npm install -g generator-rails-angular-require
To be able to support template preprocessor, make sure you install the right gem
$ gem install slim # for slim
$ gem install haml # for haml
Other dependencies
SASS (gem install sass)
Compass (gem install compass)
Usage for Rails 4.*
Firstly, create Ruby on Rails project with normal rails command, but skip it bundle:
$ rails new app-name --skip-bundle
Finally, initiate the generator:
$ cd app-name
$ yo rails-angular-require
Answer 'Yes' to all 'Overwrite' actions. Then config the 'config/database.yml' if you use different database than sqlite3.
Assets compile
Compile your assets before deploying to production server
$ rake assets:precompile RAILS_ENV=production
Name: mongoid (for mongodb)
add --skip-active-record
option to your rails new app --skip-active-record
command before selecting this option.
I define all the templates with suffix .tpl.* to load those into $templateCache, which make them testable
with directives that rely on partial template. However, this is configurable by setting in lib/jasmine_rails/spec_helper.rb
Live reload
For using livereload utility, firstly, install guard. Then, use rack-livereload or install LiveReload Safari/Chrome extension
$ bundle exec guard # to run the guard server and enjoy coding
$ rails server
For unit testing, access localhost:3000/specs
For e2e testing, run:
$ protractor protractor.config.js
This also supports for subgenerator for controller
, filter
, service
, and directive
as well. Make sure you link them in your
$ yo rails-angular-require:controller "name" #replace the name with your module name
$ yo rails-angular-require:service "name" #replace the name with your module name
$ yo rails-angular-require:directive "name" #replace the name with your module name
$ yo rails-angular-require:filter "name" #replace the name with your module name
|- app/
| |- apis/
| | |- v1/
| | | |- base.rb
| | | |- person_api.rb
| | |- base.rb
| |- assets/
| | |- images/
| | |- javascripts/
| | | |- <codeModule>/
| | | | |- codeModule.tpl.html # also support other templates like haml, and slim
| | | | |-
| | | |- application.js
| | | |- # main file
| | |- stylesheets/
| | | |- application.css
| |- controllers/
| |- helpers/
| |- mailers/
| |- models/
| |- views/
| | |- application/
| | | |- index.html # default template navigation by angular-ui-router
| | |- layouts/
| | | |- jasmine_rails/
| | | | |- spec_runner.html.erb # jasmine spec runner template
| | | |- application.html.erb
|- bin/
|- config/
| |- initializers/
| | |- angular_template_assets.rb # Add template support
| | |- bower_rails.rb # bower rails config
| |- requirejs.yml # requirejs config file
|- db/
|- lib/
| |- jasmine_rails/
| | |- spec_helper.rb # jasmine rails helper
|- log/
|- public/
|- spec/
| |- javascripts/
| | |- helpers/
| | |- e2espec/
| | | |- codeSpec.{js, coffee} # suffix by _e2espec.{js, coffee}
| | |- spec/
| | | |- codeSpec.{js, coffee} # suffix by _unitspec.{js, coffee}
| | |- support/
| | | |- jasmine.yml # jasmine config
|- test/
|- tmp/
|- vendor/
| |- assets/
| | |- bower_components/
| | | |- third libararies/
|- | |- bower.json
|- Bowerfile # define all bower_components here
|- Gemfile
|- Gemfile.lock
|- Guardfile # Guard file for livereload
|- Rakefile
|- README.rdoc
All contributions are welcomed.