A Yeoman generator for AngularJS apps using Restangular. Generates apps with the following features:
- Basic Restangular configuration
- Bower configuration
- Angular routing
- Unit tests (with Karma and Jasmine)
- Integration tests (with Protractor)
- Mocked backend for testing
- Complete set of dotfiles
Installation and use
The generator is published to npm so you can install it like usual:
$ npm install -g generator-restangular
The generator depends on Yeoman, so if you don't already have it run:
$ npm install -g yo
You can now scaffold a new AngularJS application, complete with dependencies and basic directory structure:
$ mkdir new-app && cd $_
$ yo restangular
You'll be asked a few questions while Yeoman sets up your app. In particular this allows you to customise the version of various dependencies (such as AngularJS, Restangular and jQuery). Any valid semver string is a valid value for these configuration questions (although of course it depends on there being a published copy of the library under the specified version).