
Node module template for authoring with ES6+, Babel, Tape and npm scripts

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import generatorRisebrigand from '';


Scaffold out a node module with ES6+, Babel, tape and npm scripts

NPM Version Coverage Status Build Status Downloads Dependency Status License


npm i -g generator-rise

☭ Features


You need Yeoman to run this command.

yo rise
→ create package.json
→ create
→ create LICENSE
→ create
→ create src/index.js
→ create test/index.js
→ create .editorconfig
→ create .gitignore
→ create .travis.yml
→ create .eslintrc

:beginner: Workflow

  • Add code to src/index.js and tests to test/index.js.

  • Lint, build and test a project with npm run build.

  • Build and watch changes in src/ with npm run watch

  • Run only tests with npm run test.

  • Check coverage with npm run coverage.

  • Generate a TOC for the CHANGELOG with npm run toc

  • Deploy to a remote origin with npm run deploy.

  • Bump version and publish a package with npm run major or minor/patch


MIT © Jorge Bucaran