Yeoman Silver-Lining Generator (codenamed SiLi)
A generator for Yeoman to generate WebApp:
A single-click-to-get-started - skeleton web app with all you need... NodeJS , ExpressJS, AngularJS , MongoDB and all the other goodies...
Prerequisites (Windows)
- NodeJS
- Bower - use npm: npm install -g bower
- Component - (optional) -use npm: npm install -g component
- Yeoman - use npm: npm install -g yo
- Git
Prerequisites (Ubunto - although might work for all other linux dists)
Note: Just got it all working... if you have any issues please contact me :)
- Follow These instruction to install NodeJS or do these next 4 steps:
- $ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:chris-lea/node.js
- $ sudo apt-get update
- $ sudo apt-get install nodejs
- (if npm isn't installed:) $ sudo apt-get install npm
- $ sudo npm install -g bower
- (optional) $ sudo npm install -g component
- $ sudo npm install -g yo
- Install git - $ sudo apt-get install git
Installation(using NPM)
- [$ sudo] npm install -g generator-sili
Details can be found onGetting Started
After all is installed you can use Yo to create a skeleton web-app this way:
- mkdir "your folder goes here"
- cd "your folder goes here"
- yo sili
Use the skeleton to build your App. When you need to add a new file use the following command (from within the app folder ;) :
- yo sili:addfile
It'll ask you all bunch of questions then make the changes - and you get a new file!
If you think it can be better in any way please mail or comment! My email: