
Tiny but modern scaffolding for protyping website designs, creating static websites or themes. Uses Gulp for build automation, Nunjucks for templating, CoffeeScript for beautiful scripting and SASS for easy styling. After all, everything mentioned is powered by Node.js.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import generatorStatikit from '';



Tiny but modern scaffolding for protyping website designs, creating static websites or themes. Uses Gulp for build automation, Nunjucks for templating, CoffeeScript for beautiful scripting and SASS for easy styling. After all, everything mentioned is powered by Node.js.

Latest Version Downloads License

Get started

First make sure you have Yeoman installed globally, then install the generator-statikit by running below command:

npm i -g generator-statikit

You can then simply create a new project for your app, cd into it and run below command to scaffold your brand new project:

yo statikit


Instructions on how to use the provided scaffold will be available in file inside your project directory.


See LICENSE file.