
Yeoman generator for starting up new Slay the Spire mods

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import generatorStsProtemplate from '';



Yeoman generator for starting up new Slay the Spire mods. Based on the template made by DarkVexon

Note: If you're new to modding Slay the Spire, don't use this. Instead follow the guide here

How to use

  1. Install yeoman
  2. Run npm install -g generator-sts-protemplate
  3. Navigate to your local git repo
  4. Run yo sts-protemplate and follow prompts

If you want to start at an absolutely blank slate, run yo sts-protemplate --empty and follow the prompts

Don't want to use yeoman? Try this:

Download the .zip of this branch

Replace all:

  1. <%= modIdPascal %> with your mod name in PascalCase
  2. <%= modIdCamel %> with your mod name in camelCase
  3. <%= modIdLower %> with your mod name in lowercase
  4. <%= modIdSpaces %> with your mod name With Spaces
  5. <%= steamPath %> with your steam path (e.g. C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps)
  6. Change the folder name from src\main\java\theTodo\ to src\main\java\camelCaseModName
  7. Change the name of to

Future TODOs

  • Include Intellij (and other?) files so debugging is available without additional setup