
Talend's JavaScript generator

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import generatorTalend from '';


Talend's JavaScript Library Generator


Travis CI Quality dependencies devdependencies


You'll first need to install yeoman then install generator-talend.

npm install -g yo
npm install -g generator-talend


This generator has multiple subgenerators, so you use one of the following:

  • yo talend -> javascript library
  • yo talend:react-cmf -> create a project based on react-cmf
  • yo talend:react-component -> add a react component
  • yo talend:create-cell -> add a custom cell for the virtualized list ( components )

Running yo talend will launch the library creation wizard. It will do the following:

  • Fetch and Install the configuration files from Talend's tools repository
  • Create a simple README
  • Add the Apache-2 LICENSE file
  • Setup a default .gitignore file and make the initial git commit
  • Run the initial npm install

You can use yarn by adding --yarn option or the classic --skip-install if you just want to escape install step.


Copyright (c) 2006-2016 Talend

Licensed under the Apache V2 License