
A Tildah Specific Yeoman Generator

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import generatorTildah from '';


Tildah Yeoman Generators

This is a Yeoman package private to Tildah developers. it it intended to help them in the development process, saving them time and avoid them oversight errors.


npm i -g 

FrontEnd Generators


This generator generates a frontEnd component.

yo tildah:front-component <name> -f <folder>

Both name and folder options are required. If you don't provide them, you will be prompted to write them.

  • name: The name of the component in kebab-case. Eg: page-section
  • folder: The folder in which you want the component to be placed in.

Eg: I want to create a component named full-card and place it in own_components/. The command will be:

yo tildah:front-component full-card -f own_components/


This generator generates a page component extending just-render.

yo tildah:front-page <name> -f <folder>

Eg: I want to create a module named cities and place it in app_modules/. The command will be:

yo tildah:front-module cities -f app_modules/


This generator generates a frontEnd module.

yo tildah:front-module <name> -f <folder>

Both name and folder options are required. If you don't provide them, you will be prompted to write them.

  • name: The name of the module. Eg: writers
  • folder: The folder in which you want the module to be placed in. *Default: app_modules.

Eg: I want to create a module named cities and place it in app_modules/. The command will be:

yo tildah:front-module cities -f app_modules/